2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog Archived Catalog
Business Administration, B.S.
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122 Credits Required for Business Adminstration, B.S. Degree
The Business Administration major offers career-minded students the opportunity to gain a broad understanding of the primary areas of business. After graduation, Business Administration majors go on to find challenging managerial careers in private enterprises, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations.
The Business Administration major is designed to introduce students to areas that are critical to an understanding of how businesses operate: accounting, economics, finance, information systems, management, and marketing. In addition, each student in the Business Administration major has the opportunity to take upper-level courses in all of these fields. Students supplement classroom teaching with practical experience by working in various settings through completion of an internship in Business Administration. Thus, students gain both the breadth and depth of knowledge necessary for future success in a variety of careers.
Students pursuing the Business Administration degree must select from one of the following three minors: Human Resources, International Business, or Finance. The minor outcomes below describe the specific focus for each area.
Neumann University’s Business Administration major is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, 11520 West 119th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213; Telephone: 913-339-9356, Fax: 913-339-6226; or www.acbsp.org
Program Outcomes
In addition to meeting Business Division program outcomes, upon successful completion of this program, the graduate with a major in Business Administration will:
Recognize and apply Franciscan Values (Neumann’s RISES) and moral reasoning in the area of business.
Demonstrate effective communication skills through oral and written techniques.
Demonstrate the ability to work in a diverse environment and have a global perspective through classroom activities, a service learning experience and internships.
Describe and understand the key business principles, theories, quantitative formulas and models within the field of business.
Use critical thinking to analyze problems or situations based on quantitative models, theories, and/or fundamental principles in business.
In addition to the above outcomes articulated for the BIM Division and Business Administration Major, the students will select a minor. Upon successful completion of the requirements, the student will demonstrate the listed outcomes for their selected minor:
Human Resources Minor
- Complete a job analysis and write a professional job description and job specifications for the position.
- Synthesize information to evaluate the effectiveness of recruiting methods and the validity of selection methods.
- Design and evaluate a training program to develop employees for future success.
- Create a compensation plan with the pay structure and appropriate pay grades and ranges.
- Critique the performance management systems identifying the advantages and disadvantages of common systems currently used in organizations.
International Business Minor
- Explain and use cultural dimensions and demonstrate an understanding of political and legal systems to help solve cross-border cases and analyze reports from a global perspective.
- Critique strategic international marketing and management practices in a global business environment, including examining the impact of the political, economic, social, legal, and cultural factors in countries.
- Participate in an experiential learning opportunity overseas and compare and contrast the classroom experience to an actual international business visit in a reflection paper.
Finance Minor
- Apply financial planning knowledge in an integrated approach to real life financial planning situations. Advise on a variety of complex financial issues and develop comprehensive financial plans.
- Identify the cycle of monetary resource creation and disbursement within a financial institution and apply appropriate regulatory applications.
- Analyze financial statements of companies, calculate intrinsic value of a firm, and project its financial statements.
- Calculate intrinsic values of financial assets: bonds, stocks, and options. Maximize risk-adjusted return. Build a diversified portfolio of financial assets based on a prescribed criteria.
- Identify, integrate and apply quantitative models, and fundamental finances principles within assigned case studies demonstrating critical reasoning in portfolio decision making.
- Successfully complete an internship experience in the area of Finance.
Admission Criteria
Candidates for admission to the Business Administration major are required to:
- Have a minimum 2.25 cumulative GPA.
- Complete at least 30 credits (and up to 75 credits), including the general business, major, minor, and NU core requirements specific to the Business Administration major that are listed in the first year of the Recommended Four-Year Plan detailed below. Transfer students from another regionally accredited college or university, or from another division from within Neumann University, must have their application to the major reviewed by the Dean of Business and Information Management after their first semester of taking Division of Business and Information Management courses at Neumann.
Progression Criteria/Degree Requirements
Progression in the Business Administration major leading to a Bachelor of Science degree requires students to:
- Maintain a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA.
- Achieve a grade of “C” or higher for all general business, major, minor, and NU core requirements specific to the Business Administration major.
- Complete a minimum of 122 credits.
Division Repeat Policy
- General business, major, minor, and NU core requirements specific to Business Administration may only be repeated once. Students must have written permission from the Dean of Business and Information Management to take a course for the third time.
- In total, only three different general business, major, minor, or NU core requirements specific to Business Administration may be repeated.
- Failure to earn a grade of “C” or better for general business, major, track, or NU core requirements specific to Business Administration may result in dismissal from the Division.