Mar 02, 2025  
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog Archived Catalog

Master of Science and Graduate Certificate Programs in Nursing

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In accordance with Neumann University’s Mission and Vision Statements, the purpose of the Nursing Programs is to enhance professional nursing practice and foster the provision of quality nursing education and care in the Franciscan tradition to persons of diverse populations, in varying circumstances and environments. Franciscan values and tradition are linked to a strong liberal arts and professional education. Graduates of the Baccalaureate and Master’s Nursing Programs will have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for competent, ethical, professional practice; for lifelong development of that practice; for advanced study in nursing; and for fulfillment of professional and societal responsibilities.


The Neumann University Core Values of reverence, integrity, service, excellence, and stewardship infuse the educational process of the professional nurse. Neumann University students learn the art and science of nursing in a caring educational community. The science of nursing is based on clinical reasoning derived from the liberal arts and sciences, and theories of nursing. The art of nursing is based on ethical behavior, caring, and respect for human dignity.

Franciscan values provide a central focus for care of persons within the multicultural local, regional, national, and global communities.

Persons are holistic beings with interdependent physical, psychological, sociocultural, political, interpersonal, and spiritual dimensions. The discipline of nursing promotes evidence-based, patient-centered healthcare, and reflects advances in nursing, inter-professional practice, and technological knowledge. The overall goal of nursing is to maintain the highest level of health for persons along a continuum of wellness to illness.

Through the educational process, students develop the foundation for clinical reasoning, effective communication, competent delivery of quality care, research, professional accountability, advocacy, and leadership. Baccalaureate education provides the foundation for the development of professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Master’s specialty education prepares the nurse with advanced knowledge, skills, and attitudes to practice as primary care providers, or as nurse educators.

Graduates of Neumann University Nursing Programs are prepared to practice to the full extent of their educational preparation. Graduates will provide leadership to influence the profession of nursing and effect health care practice within increasingly complex systems of care.


Neumann University’s Nursing Programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (formerly called National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, Inc.), 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, Georgia 30326; Telephone: 404-975-5000; Fax: 1-404-975-5020; or, The University’s Nursing Programs are also approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing, P.O. Box 2649, Harrisburg, PA 17105; Telephone: 717-783-7142; Fax: 717-783-0822.

Admission Requirements

Applicants with a baccalaureate degree with a major in Nursing from a regionally accredited, degree-granting institution and a nationally accrediting agency in Nursing Education who have successfully completed all prerequisite courses are eligible for entrance to the Master of Science in Nursing program, subject to the approval of the Program Director.  Acceptance is on a competitive basis after submission of all credentials and an interview.  All applicants must submit the following:

  • A completed Graduate Student Application, in print or online through
  • Official transcripts from each regionally-accredited institution attended. 
  • Have an undergraduate or graduate GPA of 3.00.  Outstanding applicants whose GPAs are less that 3.00 may be considered for conditional acceptance (please refer to the Conditional Acceptance Policy in the Asmissions Information section of this catalog.
  • Resume and letter of intent detailing educational goals. 
  • Provide a copy of a current professional nursing license (RN) for all practicum states.  
  • Two letters of reference on official institutional letterhead.  One must be provided by a professional nurse who has observed the applicant’s clinical performance.
  • Provide results of TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) from applicants whose first language is from a non-English speaking country or for whom English is a second language.  The program requires a minimum overall score of 84 with a minimum schore of 26 on the verbal subtest on the Internet-based TOEFL.      
  • Applicant’s to the Post-Master’s Certificate as an Adult Gerontological Primary Care Nurse Practitioner must also submit an official transcript which demonstrates graduation from a master’s degree in nursing which is accredited by both a regionally accredited, degree-granting institution and a nationally recognized accrediting agency in nursing education.   

Once all admission materials have been received and processed through the Office of Admissions, the graduate Program Director will arrange for an interview, if appropriate, following a review of all candidate credentials.

A limited number of federally funded nurse traineeships may be available for students. Funds from the Mary Alice Holland Scholarship Fund and other public and private resources (as available) are also awarded to selected graduate students. For additional information about either traineeships or scholarship funds, call the Office of Financial Aid at 610-558-5521.

Non-Matriculated Students

A maximum of nine Nursing graduate credits may be taken at Neumann University as a nonmatriculated student. Students who wish to pursue this option must first submit official undergraduate transcripts to the Office of Admissions. For additional information, please refer to the Non-Matriculated Status section of this catalog.

Progression/Retention/Graduation Requirements

Progression in the Master of Science or Graduate Certificate Programs in Nursing is based on academic achievement, clinical performance, and professional behavior.

The Code of Ethics for Nurses (American Nurses Association, 2008) articulates the values, duties, and commitments of professional nurses. The Neumann University Nursing Faculty believes that all students and faculty members must adhere to this Code of Ethics for Nurses. Any violation of the Code of Ethics for Nurses constitutes inappropriate professional behavior and may result in course failure or dismissal from the graduate Nursing Program.

Upon acceptance into the Master of Science Degree Program in Nursing, students must be continuously enrolled during the academic year, i.e., Fall and Spring semesters. Students not pursuing course work during either the Fall and/or Spring semesters need to apply for a Leave of Absence (please refer to the Leave of Absence section of this catalog).

To progress toward earning the Master of Science Degree in Nursing, the student must:

  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00.
  • Receive no more than two grades less than a “B” in any program course.* §
  • Earn a minimum grade of “B” in all of the following courses. If a student earns a grade less than “B” in any of the following courses, the course must be repeated* and a minimum grade of “B” must be earned:
    • NUR 607 Advanced Pharmacology
    • NUR 611 Advanced Pathophysiology
    • NUR 612 Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning
    • NUR 622 Nurse Educator Synthesis Practicum
    • NUR 640 Adult/Gerontology Primary Care I 
    • NUR 641 Adult/Gerontology Primary Care II 
    • NUR 642 Adult/Gerontology Primary Care Synthesis Praticum

* A course may be repeated only one time, whether repetition is due to student withdrawal, institutional withdrawal, or a course grade less than a “B.” Students seeking to repeat a course will only be enrolled after all students registering for the first time are accommodated. Enrollment of students repeating the course is dependent upon availability of clinical facilities, preceptors, and/or faculty availability, and cannot be guaranteed.

§ If more than two course grades less than “B” are earned, the student will be dismissed from the program. Failure to earn a minimum grade of “B” in a repeated nursing course, or failure to earn a minimum grade of “B” in any other graduate nursing course, will result in the student’s dismissal from the Graduate Nursing Program.

  • Understand that the application of theory to practice is integral to learning in all graduate nursing clinical courses. Hence, the course grade in any course with clinical or lab experiences is based upon the assessment of two areas:
    • Theory component: the student’s knowledge of theory.
    • Laboratory and/or clinical practicum component: the student’s ability to apply theory in practice.

The student must successfully meet the requirements of these two components in each course with clinical or lab experiences; that is, earn a minimum grade of “B” in theory and a “satisfactory” rating in the laboratory and/or clinical practicum components.

An “unsatisfactory” rating in any given laboratory or clinical practicum, and a theory grade of “A” to “C,” results in a grade of “F” for the course.

A “satisfactory” rating in a laboratory and/or clinical practicum, with a grade of “F” in the theory components, results in an “F” for the course.

Any course in which a grade of “F” is earned must be repeated.

Process for Exception to Policy

The Nursing Program adheres to the grievance procedure of the University (please refer to the Academic Grievance Procedure Section of this catalog).  There may be unique situations in the Nursing Program for which a student may request review and/or exception to policy. Students are directed to meet with their nursing academic advisor to discuss the procedure for submitting his/her request for a hearing by the Nursing Admissions and Progression Committee. The Committee meets regularly during the academic year.

Maximum Period of Candidacy/Graduation Application Process

The maximum period of candidacy spent in pursuit of the Master of Science Degree in Nursing is five years. Exception to this time limitation must be applied for in a written request to the Division Dean.  Graduation from the program is contingent upon submitting a signed Application for Graduation form to the Registrar on or before the date specified in the Academic Calendar and completing all program requirements while maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00.

Clinical Practice Requirements

All graduate students are advised that agency and preceptor availability may require clinical attendance during weekdays, weekends, and/or evenings to assure that all who are registered for a specific course meet the course/clinical objectives during the semester of enrollment.

Professional License

RNs must provide evidence of a current RN license for practicum states.

Professional Liability Insurance

RNs must provide annual evidence of Professional Liability Insurance.

Basic Life Support Certification

Prior to the first clinical course, each graduate Nursing student is required to present proof of certification in Basic Life Support for the Health Care Provider (American Heart Association). Thereafter, evidence of current recertification must be presented annually.

Health Standards

Health evaluations must be completed and reports submitted to the Dean’s Office at the time of admission to the graduate Nursing Program and, thereafter, be annually updated. Students are to obtain the appropriate health forms from the University Health Services Office.

The student is responsible for providing evidence of current health insurance on an annual basis, and for notifying the Dean’s Office immediately of any changes in his/her status of medical insurance coverage.

These Health Standards policies apply to all students, both full-time and part-time, who have been accepted into the graduate Nursing Program.


Students may be required to submit to substance abuse screening prior to clinical placement, during clinical experiences in selected health care agencies or if there are behaviors of concern associated with substance abuse. Students testing positive will be referred to Counseling and Health Services for assistance with their substance abuse problem. Such referral, however, will not preclude the University from taking other disciplinary actions, up to, and including, removal from the clinical placement (which may result in failure to meet degree requirements) and/or expulsion from the program/University, depending upon the circumstances. RN students with a positive substance abuse screening will be reported to the State Board of Nursing, as required by state law. Students are responsible for costs incurred from these screenings. For additional information, please contact the Dean of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Students are also required to apply for, obtain, and present to the Dean of the Division of Nursing and Health Sciences a current FBI Fingerprint Clearance, a Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance, and a Pennsylvania Criminal Background Clearance, prior to their participation in clinical courses. Child Abuse Clearance, Elder Abuse Clearance and Criminal Background Checks are also required in practicum states.  A criminal record and/or a history of child or elder abuse may prohibit clinical placement and, subsequently, result in failure to meet degree requirements.

State Boards of Nursing may deny or revoke licensure when the applicant “has been convicted, has pleaded, has entered a plea of nolo contendere, or has been found guilty by a judge or jury of a felony or crime of moral turpitude; or received probation without verdict, disposition in lieu of trial or an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition in the settlement of felony charge.” Similarly, “possession, use, acquisition, or distribution of a controlled substance or caution legend drug for other than an acceptable medical purpose” may be cause for denying application for professional licensure (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Professional Nursing Law, Act 69, Section 14).


Each graduate Nursing student is responsible for transportation to and from clinical practice sites through the entire program. Transportation requires that each student has personal access to a car.

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