Feb 06, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog Archived Catalog

Criminal Justice, B.A. with Police Academy

Criminal Justice Major with Police Academy Option at Neumann University

Neumann University is proud to partner with Delaware County College’s Municipal Police Academy to offer a Criminal Justice Major track which allows our students to complete both their B.A. in Criminal Justice and the Police Academy training in four years.  Undergraduates who choose this option will spend spring and summer Semester of their third year at the DCCC-MPA undertaking their training.  Upon completion of their police academy training students will return to Neumann University for their final semester. In addition to the benefits of completing your academy training and graduating with a B.A. in Criminal Justice, students who undertake this option will have substantially reduced tuition during their time at the DCCC-MPA.

Municipal Police Academy Entrance Requirements

For over twenty-five years, Delaware Community College’s Municipal Police Academy has provided the training required of all municipal police officers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  The minimum standards consist of required subjects and prescribed hours of instruction as approved by the Municipal Police Officer’s Education and Training Commission in accordance with Legislative Act 120.  Please note that declaration of police academy track in Neumann University’s Criminal Justice major is not a guarantee of acceptance to the DCCC-MPA as the police academy has additional entrance requirements listed below.  Upon declaration of your major at Neumann University students in the Municipal Police Academy track begin their first steps to a career in law enforcement.

To ensure the safety of the students, the College and the general public, DCCC has instituted nine entrance requirements for admission to the Municipal Police Academy:

  • Psychological Evaluation - Applicants are required to take the Minnesota Multivariate Personality Inventory (MMPI), administered by a licensed psychologist.
  • Reading and Writing Placement Tests
  • Health Examination - Each applicant is required to have a physical examination by a licensed physician.  The necessary paperwork will be provided to applicants and completed forms must be submitted at the time of physical fitness testing
  • Physical Fitness Test - Each applicant is required to pass a physical fitness test prior to being admitted to the Academy.  Applicants will be notified of the testing date
  • Criminal Background Check - Each applicant must pass a criminal background check according to the regulations of Act 120
  • High School Diploma/GED - Proof of High School graduation or GED is required of all applicants
  • Valid Automobile Driver’s License
  • Certified Driver’s Check
  • Applicants must be citizens of the United States in order to be admitted to the Academy and must provide proof of same (birth certificate or passport)


Prospective students should be aware that the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission has mandated a minimum standard for uncorrected distant vision of 20/70 in the stronger eye, correctable to 20/20; and at least 20/200, uncorrected, in the weaker eye, correctable to at least 20/40; and with no significant visual abnormality. Applicants shall have audio acuity sufficient to distinguish a normal whisper at a distance of 15 feet. The test shall be independently conducted for each ear while the tested ear is facing away from the speaker and the other ear is firmly covered with the palm of the hand. The applicant may not use a hearing aid or other aid to perform the test. If the applicant fails this test, the applicant shall be required to take and pass a decibel audio test. 

Criminal Justice Majors who are interested in the Municipal Police Academy Option, application deadlines and testing dates should contact Mr. Joseph Gosseaux, Criminal Justice Coordinator at 610-558-5253 or via email at: Gosseauj@neumann.edu


Suggested Four-Year Curriculum: 122 Credits

Criminal Justice Major with Police Academy Option at Neumann University

4-Year Curriculum Progression Plan - 2022-2023 Catalog

Freshman Year - Fall Semester (16 credits)

Freshman Year - Spring Semester (15 credits)

CJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice

ENG 101 Rhetoric and Writing I

INT 101 The Neumann Experience

MATH 102 Introductory Statistics

POLSC 101 The American Political Process OR

     PSYCH 101 General Psychology

THEO 104 Theological Foundations OR History 


ENG 102 Rhetoric and Writing II

CJ 201 Criminology

Fine Arts Core

PSYCH 101 General Psychology OR POLSC 101

     The American Political Process

THEO 104 Theological Foundations OR History



Sophomore Year - Fall Semester (15 credits)

Sophomore Year - Spring Semester (16 credits)

ENG Literature Core

General Elective (i.e., Modern language 101)

CJ 202 Judicial Process and Procedures

CJ 204 Interview Techniques  

CJ 205 Writing for Criminal Justice




Modern language 102 (Core)

Science Core (with lab)

THEO course at 200-level or higher

CJ 330 Victimology

PHIL 102 Exploring Ethics


Junior Year - Fall Semester (15 credits)

Junior Year - Spring and Summer (30 credits)

CJ 370 Systems of Justice: Restorative Justice

INT 202 Exploring Diversity

CDM 206 Effective Public Speaking

General Elective

PHIL 205 Ethics in Criminal Justice


Municipal Police Academy:

CJ 210 Juvenile Justice

CJ 220 Criminal Investigation

CJ 250 Criminal and Civil Law

CJ 420 Strategies of Crime Prevention

CJ 494 Internship I

CJ 495 Internship II

12 credits of General Electives

Senior Year - Fall Semester (15 credits)


CJ 260 Criminal Behavior

CJ 410 Multicultural Issues in Criminal Justice

CJ 460 Senior Seminar

General Elective

CJ 320 The Penitent: Corrections and
