Feb 11, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog Archived Catalog

Part-Time/Adjunct Faculty

To implement and deliver its academic programs, Neumann University depends primarily on its full-time faculty. However, whenever the need arises, the University invites other outstanding instructors whose specialized knowledge and experience qualify them to teach certain courses. The following are representative of those part-time and adjunct faculty at Neumann University.

Theresa Albany-Huke
Lecturer, English
B.A., Neumann University
M.Ed., Rosemont College

Patricia A. Amrhein
Lecturer, English
B.S., Towson University
M.S., Towson University
M.A., St. Mary’s Seminary & University
D.Min, Wesley Theological Seminary

Dennis Anastasia
Lecturer, Accounting
B.S., Widener University
J.D., Widener University

Thomas Anastasia
Lecturer, Accounting
B.S., Widener University
M.A., Widener University

Dale Anna
Lecturer, Chemistry
B.S., Washington University
M.S., Washington University

Feridoon Aryani-Sabet
Lecturer, International Business/Organizational & Strategic Leadership
B.A., The National Univeristy of Iran
M.B.A., LaSalle University

L. Stewart Barbera, Jr.
Lecturer, Psychology
B.A., Loyola College in Maryland
M.A., Loyola College in Maryland
M.S.W., University of Pennsylvania
Psy.D., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Kenneth N. Battin
Lecturer, Public Safety Administration
B.S., University of Maryland University College
M.P.A., Anna Maria College

John Baxter
Lecturer, Theater
B.A., Neumann University
M.A., Villanova University

Andrea Bianchi
Lecturer, Music
B.M., Rowan University
M.M., Eastman School of Music

Andrew J. Block
Lecturer, Public Safety Adminstration
B.A., Neumann University
M.S., Saint Joseph’s University

Lori M. Blount
Director, Developmental Education
Assistant Professor, English
B.A., William Smith College
M.S. Ed., The Sage Colleges
Ed.D., Widener University

Joseph Bonadonna
Lecturer, Communication and Media Arts
B.A., Temple University

Jeffrey Buchanan
Lecturer, Public Safety Administration
B.S. Michiagan State University
M.B.A., Touro University International

Matthew G. Buonincontro
Lecturer, English
B.A. University of Oregon
M.A. Portland State University

Mary Kay Crowley
Lecturer, Science
B.S., Mary Washington College

Leonard DiPaul
Lecturer, Theology & OSL
B.A., St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
M.A., St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
Ed.D., Immaculata University

Susan Dixon
Lecturer, Strategic Leadership
B.A., Franklin & Marshall College
J.D., Widener University

Henry Dmochowski
Lecturer, Philosophy
A.B., Seton Hall University
M.A., Villanova University
Ph.D., New York University

Jilian Donnelly
Executive Director of Adult and Continuing Education
Assistant Professor, English & Public Safety Administration
B.A., Cabrini College
M.Ed., Temple University
Ed.D., Temple University

Bruce D. Egan, Jr.
Lecturer, Public Safety Administration
B.S., Neumann University
M.S., Saint Joseph’s University

Roman Erenshteyn
Lecturer, Computer Informatoin Systems
B.S., Riga’s Technical University
M.S., Riga’s Technical Univeristy
Ph.D., Riga’s Technical Univeristy
Ph.D., All-Union Cardiological Center

Robert Farrington
Lecturer, Business Administration & Economics
B.S., LaSalle University
M.S., LaSalle University

Wallace Fletcher
Lecturer, Pastoral Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Organizational and Strategic Leadership
B.A., Sterling College
M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary
Th.M., Union Theological Seminary
D.Min., Lutheran Theological Seminary

Robert Frazier
Lecturer, Criminal Justice
B.A., Lycoming College
M.S., Saint Joseph’s University

Stephen Gerber
Lecturer, Organziational & Strategic Leadership
B.S., Southern Connecticut State University
M.S., Central Connecticut State University
Ed.D., Boston College

Edward Glassman
Lecturer, Public Safety Administration
B.S., Neumann University
M.A.S., Fairleigh Dickinson University

Eileen M. Grady
Lecturer, Spanish
B.A., University of Scranton
M.A., Bowling Green State University

Karen Graziano
Lecturer, Business Administration & Organization & Strategic Leadership
B.A., Fairfield University
J.D., American University Washington

Paul Hanson
Lecturer, History
B.A. Neumann University
M.S., Neumann University
Ed.D., Neumann University

Michael Harper
Lecturer, Business Administration
B.S. University of Delaware
J.D., Villanova University

Glenn Hartman
Lecturer, Biology
B.S., Elizabethtown College
M.Ed., University of Delaware

Frederic Haas
Lecturer, Psychology/Mathematics
B.S., St. Louis University
M.A., St. Louis University
M.S., Neumann University

Angela Heinick
Lecturer, Education
B.A., Millersville University
M.S., Shippensburgh University
Ed.D., Immaculata University

Catherine Holding
Lecturer, English
B.A., Villanova University
M.A., Millersville State College

Bruce Horne
Lecturer, Education
B.S., West Chester University
M.Ed., Temple University

Esther Houpt
Lecturer, Music
B.S., West Chester University
M.A., Immaculata University





Sr. Patricia Hutchison, OSF
Director, Neumann Institute for Franciscan Studies
Assistant Professor, Education
B.A., Neumann College
M.Ed., Loyola College
Ed.D., Widener University

Karen Jason
Lecturer, Biology
B.Sc., Madras Christian College
M.Sc., Madras Christian College
B.Ed., University of Madras
M.Ed., University of Madras

Thomas Jewett
Lecturer, Theology and Ethics
B.A., Athenaeum of Ohio
M.A., Athenaeum of Ohio
M.A., St. Louis University

Robert Kennedy
Lecturer, Psychology & Interdisciplinary Studies
M.H.S., Lincoln University
Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University

James Kenney
Lecturer, Music
A.A., Delaware County Community College
B. Mus., Temple University
M.Mus., Temple University

Daniel J. Kerrigan
Lecturer, Public Safety Administration
B.S., Empire State College
M.S., Grand Canyon University

Hubert Lee
Program Director, Athletic Training
Assistant Professor, Athletic Training
B.S., University of Connecticut
M.A., University of Connecticut

Kathleen Madigan
Lecturer, Nutrition
B.S., Seton Hill College
M.S., Case Western Reserve University
M.B.A., Eastern University

Sean McDonald
Lecturer, Communication and Media Arts
B.S., Neumann University
M.S., Neumann University

Jamie Maginnis
Lecturer, Intelligence Studies
B.S., Juniata College
M.S., Saint Joseph’s University

Kimberly Medio
Lecturer, English
B.A., Arcadia University
M.A., Arcadia University

Lana Morelli
Lecturer, English
B.A., Cabrini College
M.A., Saint Joseph’s University

Denise Murray
Lecturer, English
M.S., Southern New Hampshire University
M.A., Southern New Hampshire University

Kathryn Newlon
Lecturer, Education
B.A., University of Rhode Island
M.Ed., Widener University

Peter Powell
Lecturer, Sport Management
B.S., Rutgers University
M.B.A., Saint Joseph’s University

Anne Ramirez
Associate Professor, English
B.A., Ithaca College
M.A., State University of New York
Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Nancy Reeves
Lecturer, Sociology
B.A., West Chester University
M.A., Temple University
Ph.D., Capella University

John Rendeiro
Lecturer, English
B.A., Trinity College
M.A., Indiana University
M.A., State University of New York at Buffalo
Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo

Paul Vincent Riley
Coordinator, Disability Services
Instructor, Theology
B.A., Temple University
M.A., Temple University
M.A., University of Hawaii at Manoa

John Roland
Lecturer, Organizational Strategic Leadership & Public Safety Administration
B.A., American International College
M.Ed., Springfield College
Ph.D., Capella University

Nicholas Rotoli
Lecturer, Education
B.A., LaSalle University
M.A., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Ed.D., Widener University

Joan Scanlon
Lecturer, Criminal Justice
B.A., Widener University

Jessica Segal
Lecturer, Education
B.S., Villanova University
M.Ed., Cabrini College

Elizabeth Singewald
Lecturer, Chemistry 
B.S., University of Richmond
Ph.D., Northwestern University

Kimberly Slattery
Lecturer, Marketing
B.S., State University of New York
M.B.A., University of Detroit

Andrew M. Slowik
Lecturer, Organizational Studies,
Human Resources Management
B.S., West Chester University
M.S., Wilminton University

Robert Szipszky
Lecturer, Accounting
B.S. Villanova Univeristy

Fr. Stephen Thorne
Lecturer, Education
B.A., St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
M.S., Neumann University

Jennifer Tront
Lecturer, Science
B.S., Neumann University
Ph.D., Temple University

Susan Vadas
Lecturer, Theology
B.S., Gwynedd-Mercy College
M.Ed., Widener University
M.S., Neumann University
Th.D., Lasalle University

Frank Voutsakis
Lecturer, Philosophy
B.A., Villanova University
M.A., Villanove University
J.D., Widener University

Laurel Wagenheim
Lecturer, Economics
B.A., Kean University
M.B.A., Farleigh Dickinson University

Megan Weston-Brousseau
Lecturer, Biology
M.S., New York Chiropractic College
D.C., Pennsylvania College of Straight Chiropractic

Louise Whitelaw
Assistant Professor & Field Experience Coordinator
Lecturer, Organizational Studies
B.S., Drexel University
M.S., Drexel University
Ph.D., Drexel University

Doreen Williams
Lecturer, Education
B.A., Arcadia University
M.Ed., Capella University

Thomas Worrilow, Jr.
Lecturer, Criminal Justice
B.S., West Chester University
M.S., West Chester University

Amy Wright
Lecturer, Mathematics
B.S., University of Delaware
M.S., Widener University

Erin Zoranski
Lecturer, Spanish
B.A., University of Delaware
M.A., Middlebury College