Feb 10, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Life

The Learning Commons

The Learning Commons at Neumann University strives to connect with students and provide a communal environment equipped with supportive resources, partnership-driven programs, and engaged faculty, staff, coaches, and tutors, all of whom serve as the catalyst for inquiry, discovery, and growth. Our goal is to cultivate a multifaceted network of unified support that affords students both personal and professional opportunities to become empowered and emerge from their college experiences as wellrounded leaders, workers, scholars, and people. The centers and programs that comprise The Learning Commons form a digital and physical space that enhances the overall learning experience and fosters a sense of community among students, faculty, and staff.

Accessibility Services Center

The Accessibility Services Center in The Learning Commons supports and enhances Neumann University’s educational mission and its commitment to maintaining an inclusive and equitable community by providing equal access and reasonable accommodations to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended (ADAAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. At Neumann, we are committed to providing a welcoming, encouraging, and empowering environment for all students with disabilities to ensure equal access, full participation, and reasonable accommodations for their academic pursuits.

Students with access needs due to a learning, physical, or psychological disability are encouraged to contact the Director of Accessibility Services as early as possible to discuss their needs and to obtain information about the eligibility for services and procedures for requesting accommodations. To determine appropriate accommodations, the Director of Accessibility Services engages in an interactive process with students. Each student’s information is reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and accommodations are determined through the collaborative process. 

Center for Career and Professional Development

The mission of the Center for Career and Professional Development is to provide comprehensive resources to support students through their professional development at all stages of their education. The Center assists students and alumni with assessing career interests, exploring career options, and developing the skills to successfully pursue career goals.

The Center for Career and Professional Development offers the following:

  • Online career interest assessments
  • Individual coaching with regard to any career-related decisions
  • Assistance with resume writing, interviewing and job search
  • Preparation for participation in internships for academic credit
  • Workshops on various topics
  • Online career planning resources and information
  • Graduate school information

Internship Program

Each School has some form of experiential learning for students to prepare them for future careers. Internships are a part of these experiences; others may include clinicals, student teaching or practicum depending on the area of study.

Internships allow undergraduate students to combine the world of academics with the world of work. All internships must be related to the student’s academic major, minor, or concentration and must provide experiences which augment the student’s theoretical knowledge.

Internships can be taken for 3 credits or in increments of 3 credits up to 6 credits per semester with a maximum of 12 credits during a student’s undergraduate experience. Each 3 credits of internship experience require 150 hours of supervised work experience.

There is an on-campus classroom component to the internship course, so the student must take this into consideration when planning their schedule for the semester in which the internship will be completed. The student must complete all documents and be registered in the internship class before the end of the drop/add period. If not registered by this deadline, the student will have to register for and complete the internship in a future semester. 

Core Experience

More information about the Undergraduate Core Experience can be found in Undergraduate Programs of Study   

Honors Program 

Information about the Freshman and University Honors Programs can be found in Special Programs  located under Honors Program. 

Library Services

The library plays a crucial role in the learning experience of students as well as in the teaching and research needs of the faculty. Users will find a balanced collection of print and electronic resources to satisfy information needs across the disciplines. Electronic databases contain hundreds of thousands of scholarly journals, popular magazines, newspapers, dissertations and theses, government documents, and statistical data. All digital books and databases are accessible from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Checking out physical materials only requires a valid Neumann University ID.

The flexible library spaces provide opportunities for students to study, take online classes, or simply relax. Students will find places to work independently or in groups and can make use of public computing or many charging spots for personal devices. Students can make use of a self-service print and copy center and even reserve group study rooms online.

Professional librarians provide research support in person, online, and in the classroom alongside Faculty. Librarians keep students increasingly more information literate by actively collaborating with faculty to create the best lessons promoting critical thinking and research success. The library supports 24/7 research assistance with its FAQ knowledge base and specialized Research Guides filled with research tips, video tutorials, recommended scholarly resources, and technology suggestions to help innovate research writing and presentations.

The library is a welcoming spot on campus where staff strive to serve the ever-changing needs of students, whether they be academic, social, or towards personal growth. Programming events like research and writing drop-in sessions, study breaks, stress-busting sessions, and student showcases and discussions in support of social issues are common occurrences throughout the year.

Neumann University is a founding member of SEPCHE (The Southeastern Pennsylvania Consortium for Higher Education) and TCLC (Tri-State College Library Cooperative). Membership in these groups provides resource sharing with other member libraries and further enhances Neumann’s own library collection. SEPCHE and TCLC member libraries provide on-site access to resources and extend borrowing privileges to students, faculty, and staff.

Student Retention 

Student retention at NU is premised on the belief that our approach to supporting student success must be grounded in our institutional mission, vision, and values. We follow the PEACE Model of Student Retention, Proactive Early Awareness and Collaborative Education, which seeks to:

  • Identify students who may be struggling promptly, through referrals from faculty, advisors, and other University staff members, utilizing a number of relevant financial and/or academic metrics;
  • Invite collaboration among offices and units to provide personalized support and formulate a variety of holistic intervention strategies, including both academic and non-academic components, to promote student success and empowerment; and
  • Monitor referred students’ continued progress throughout their time at Neumann, beyond the traditional first-to-second year retention period, to provide continued support, mentorship, and guidance as needed to graduation and beyond.

John C. Ford Student Success Center 

The John C. Student Success Center (SSC) offers academic services and resources to assist all students in their pursuit of academic and personal success. Located on the ground floor of the Bachmann Main Building, the Student Success Center is staffed by trained professionals and students who provide a wide range of services, including peer and professional tutoring, organized study groups, study skills workshops, academic coaching, and accessibilities services.

The Student Success Center Team works closely with faculty and administrators to provide programmatic support to all Neumann students, beginning with their First-Year Experience and overall orientation to the University and lasting throughout their years at Neumann University and beyond. The SSC is home to the following offices and programs: 

  • Office of Academic Coaching and Tutoring  
    • Academic Coaching - The Academic Coaching Program centers on student academic and personal development. Our Academic Coaches work with referred students on both “school skills” and “life skills.” Together, the student and the coach develop an academic plan that includes a partnership with tutors to help students achieve their goals. Communication skills and self-advocacy are also key components of this program. 
    • Tutoring - The SSC professional and peer tutors share their knowledge with students by helping them with assignments and preparing for quizzes and tests. Students can visit tutors during their open office hours (no appointment needed) to ask quick questions or make plans to meet one-on-one for longer appointments. Our tutors also meet with students in group study formats. 
  • The Writing Center 
  • Facilitated study groups 
  • Study skills workshops

​The Student Success Center is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00am-5:00pm and on Fridays from 9:00am-4:00pm. Tutor Me/Pear Deck is available outside of those times as an online tutoring service for students seeking support in both content areas and writing.


Neumann’s TRIO/Student Support Services Office earns the privilege of hosting its program for the University through a U.S. Department of Education Title IV grant. The program seeks to lift up traditionally underrepresented students to increase retention and graduation rates; promote students’ academic, social, cultural and career success; and increase post-baccalaureate placement. First-generation and low-income students, as well as students with disabilities approved for accommodations, are eligible for the TRIO program.

Global Learning & Education Abroad

The Center for Global Engagement maintains a list of programs preapproved for transfer credit in a wide range of countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Oceania, and the Americas.

All students who participate in study abroad programs must receive prior approval from their advisor, and the Center for Global Engagement. To receive transfer credit for any study abroad program, students must complete a course approval form before departure. These forms are available in the Center for Global Engagement.

Full details about cost, the program’s calendar, academic criteria, and admission requirements, including deadlines for applications, can be found online. All costs are subject to change, based on fluctuating international currency exchange rates.

More information about these opportunities is available through the Center for Global Engagement website at www.neumann.edu/cge.

Global Learning Seminars

Global Learning Seminars (GLS) are semester-long courses taught on campus that include an embedded week-long international or domestic experience during a university break or summer term. 

Students have the opportunity to enroll in GLS courses and travel with faculty members while earning NU credits that fulfill Liberal Studies Core requirements as well as major and minor requirements and electives. Courses offered on a rotating basis in the GLS Program include (but are not limited to):

  • Cybersecurity in Ireland
  • Criminal Justice in Israel
  • Communication & Media in Spain
  • Global Health in the Dominican Republic
  • Social Work in Puerto Rico
  • Theology in Rome

Study Abroad Transfer Credit Policy

All coursework taken through study abroad programs will be processed as transfer credit toward a Neumann degree, provided all courses are approved by a faculty member and the student meets the university’s requirements for transfer credit. (This does not apply to credits earned through Neumann -sponsored Global Learning Seminars; these students receive direct Neumann credit.)

In accordance with the university regulations on post-admission transfer credit, undergraduate students are eligible to transfer no more than 15 credits from either a fall or spring semester abroad or no more than a total of 30 credits from an academic year abroad since this is the full-time course load for undergraduate study and the amount of credit that might be earned in a similar period at Neumann.
The student must earn a grade of C or better to receive transfer credit. Further, grades will not transfer to Neumann, nor will they be factored into the student’s GPA. Credits transferred from study abroad programs will not count toward the university’s 12-credit minimum residency requirement and will not count toward the 60-credit requirement for eligibility for Graduation Honors.

When a course of study has been completed at a foreign university that has not been preapproved by the Center for Global Engagement, the student must arrange for an official transcript to be sent by the originating institution to an international evaluation service recognized by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). A complete list of NACES member evaluators is available at: http://www.naces.org/members.htm. The evaluation service must provide Neumann University with a course-to-course assessment which identifies United States college-level course equivalencies. All costs for these evaluations are to be paid by the student.

Computer Facilities and Media Services

Computing and media services are managed by Neumann University’s Information Technology and Resources (ITR). The ITR staff views computers and the Internet as tools which support all fields of study, the Mission of the University, and all members of the University community. The University Computing Center is located on the ground floor of the Bachmann Main Building and consists of four state-of-the-art computer classrooms and the ITR administrative offices. ITR maintains a gigabit network which connects academic and administrative users, as well as residents in the Living and Learning Centers, to University resources, and to the Internet. Wireless connection to the network is available in most locations.

More than 100 computers in general and special purpose computing labs run Microsoft Windows software, with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint) as the standard productivity suite. Software related to academic disciplines, such as statistical and scientific software, can be found in the Computing Center and labs. In the Digital Media Lab, students can record and edit audio and video projects. Computer labs and classrooms throughout the University are equipped with computers and video projectors for instructor use. Computer Lab hours are posted at the beginning of each semester.

Distance learning technologies (primarily the Blackboard Course Management System) are supported and maintained by ITR’s Academic Technology group. This group also provides training for Neumann University faculty on advanced instructional delivery systems and related academic software. The Media Services component of ITR manages the University’s audiovisual resources, including instructional and presentational equipment for ongoing academic use and for special events. Media Services (including Neumann Media) also maintains the equipment in the University’s television studio, radio station, and the Mirenda Center broadcast facility. Students can record, edit, broadcast or be a part of the production teams in each of these areas. The Administrative Computing group of ITR manages the University’s student information system and provides access to it for student financial and academic services through the WebAdvisor portal. Secure accounts for WebAdvisor and for University email and network services are provided to all incoming students.

For additional information, please visit the Computing Services pages on the Neumann website or call the ITR Help Desk at 610-558-5620.

Service-Learning Experience

The Service-Learning Experience at Neumann University combines theoretical classroom learning with service-based learning in the community. Service-Learning is a form of experiential education in which community defined needs are addressed by students through structured learning opportunities. Critical reflection and reciprocity are key elements of the experience, serving to foster a broader appreciation of the course content and the community as a whole. This type of experience supports the student’s intellectual, moral, career, and personal development, and enhances a sense of civic and social responsibility.  Service placements are established to address unmet needs in the community and enable a better understanding of course learning objectives. Service-Learning is required within the undergraduate Core program as part of first year activities with reflection in Theology 104 and in at least one course in every major. Faculty may choose to integrate Service-Learning within other courses. The Director of the Office of Service-Learning and Community Engagement and staff of the Neumann Institute for Franciscan Studies assist faculty in the development of courses and identification and approval of community partners.  Additional information is available on the Service-Learning and Community Engagement website.