Feb 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Programs/Policy Information

Academic Programs Profile

Bachelor Degree Programs

Neumann University offers traditional undergraduate majors leading to the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in the following areas.

Undergraduate Program Descriptions  

Neumann University also offers several accelerated baccalaureate degree programs through the Adult and Continuing Education Department [ACE]. Designed for the adult learner, the uniqueness of these degree programs is found in the accelerated seminar courses which enable working adult students to attend classes fully online and receive credits toward their degree. These three or six credit seminars blend learning approaches in fully online format, thereby allowing students to learn theoretical material and apply that theory through the development of an Experiential Learning Project. The degree program options are listed below:

  • Bachelor of Science candidates may choose an accelerated baccalaureate degree program in Organizational Studies or Public Safety Administration.

Academic Minors

The following academic minors are available on an optional basis and are only offered in the Monday through Friday Day Schedule. Academic minors are not available in any evening major or in any of the accelerated baccalaureate degree programs that are offered through Adult and Continuing Education.

Academic Minors  

Graduate Programs

Neumann University offers graduate programs at both the doctoral and master’s degree levels. Several graduate certificate programs are also available to qualified students.

For additional information about these graduate programs, please refer to the Neumann University Graduate Catalog.

Continuing Education

Neumann University is also an approved program provider for the State Boards of Accountancy in Pennsylvania and New Jersey; and an Accredited Continuing Legal Education Provider that is approved by both the Pennsylvania and Delaware Continuing Legal Education Boards. The University is also approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education as an Act 48 Provider.

Academic Credit/Schedule

Neumann University operates on a semester-based academic calendar of 14 weeks plus scheduled final examinations. In addition, other terms of varying lengths for accelerated study are available during Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. All academic credits are represented as semester units of credit.

PA State Regulations on Instructional Hour

In accordance with 22 Pa. Code Chapter 31 (31.21-31.22), each assigned academic credit equates to either 14 hours of classroom instruction*, exclusive of Final Examinations and any holidays, or to one of the “Alternative Instructional Equivalencies by Hour” listed below. Instructional hours are measured in clock hours. Fourteen (14) instructional hours must be provided for each credit hour earned (42 hours = one 3-credit course). In addition, for each instructional hour, at least two hours of academic activity must be assigned outside of classroom instruction (homework).

Alternative Instructional Equivalencies by Hour

Method of Instruction Description Instructional Hour Equivalency
Threaded Discussions on Canvas Instructor-led and mediated threaded discussions (asynchronous learning) which are produced, assessed, and graded according to course rubrics and aligned with learning outcomes. Postings should have specified time frames and clearly delineated expectations for participation (both quality and volume).

1 posting with careful reading of all other learner postings = 1⁄2 hour of instructional time

1 posting with careful reading of all other learner postings and replies to at least 5 postings = 1 hour of instructional time

Synchronous Discussions on Canvas Instructor-led online discussions (synchronous learning) which are produced, assessed, and graded according to course rubrics and aligned with course learning outcomes. Instructor will provide specific goals and objectives for assessing quality and volume of participation among members of online learning community. 1 hour of substantive chat = 1 instructional hour
Journals and Weblogs (“Blogs”)** Learner postings of written work (asynchronous learning) produced, assessed, and graded according to course rubrics and aligned with course learning outcomes. Postings will be shared with instructor and peers for thoughtful and thorough analysis and assessment.

1 private posting = 1⁄2 instructional hour

1 shared posting = 1 instructional hour

Library, Online, and Electronic Database Research** Instructor-guided research on peer-reviewed scholarly articles and digitized primary documents and resources leading to work products aligned with course objectives and American Library Association (ALA) outcomes for assessing information literacy competencies. Projects will be shared with instructor and peers and assessed according to course-based and ALA rubrics.

1 five-page project = 1 instructional hour

1 three- to five-page literature review paper = 1 instructional hour

Online Lecture in Streaming Audio or Video Learners view, listen, and respond to streaming lectures in online format and then answer questions designed and assessed according to course rubrics and aligned with learning outcomes. Learner answers will be shared with instructor and peers in order to generate further discussion of salient topics. View or listen to lecture and post responses = 1 instructional hour
Attendance at Cultural or Artistic Events Learners attend and review cultural or artistic events (such as a play, musical performance, exhibition of visual art, lecture, etc.). Reviews will be produced, assessed, and graded according to course rubrics and aligned with learning outcomes. Attendance at event + three-page review essay = 1 instructional hour
Conferences and Workshops on Learning Portfolio Preparation Instructors meet with learners to compile, evaluate, and produce learning portfolios prepared according to course/program rubrics and aligned with course/program learning outcomes. Portfolio conferencing with final presentation of completed portfolio = 1 instructional hour
Guest Lectures Guest lecturers present on specialized topics relevant to course description, learning goals, and outcomes. Assessment instruments will be used to assess learning outcomes, aligned with unit objectives and learner responses. Lecture of 1 hour with assessments = 1 instructional hour
Learning Community Projects Instructor-guided group learning projects culminating in work products aligned with course or unit objectives and assessed according to course rubrics. Learners interact online (through asynchronous and synchronous discussion, email, podcasts, and posted materials) or face-to-face and work with the instructor to research, analyze, and synthesize information culminating in a project with demonstrable outcomes. 1 meeting hour per week = 1 instructional hour
Instructional CDs, PowerPoints, podcasts, DVDs, Impatica© Presentations, and Videos** Instructor-mediated instructional CDs, PowerPoint presentations, Impatica© presentations, podcasts, DVDs, or videos are used to enhance, clarify, or expand upon topics or concepts relevant to course content and learning outcomes. Learners submit, share, or post responses produced and assessed according to course or unit rubrics. 1 hour of viewing/listening + shared or posted response = 1 instructional hour
Field Trips, Tours, and Virtual Tours Learners take field trips or tours, including virtual tours, and report in to instructor and peers. In cases where students travel alone or in a group unaccompanied by instructor or facilitator, written reflection papers will be produced, distributed/posted, assessed, and graded according to course rubrics and aligned with course learning outcomes.

1-hour instructor- or facilitator-led field trip or tour = 1 instructional hour

1-hour unaccompanied student field trip or tour + reflection paper = 1 instructional hour

Case Studies and Problem-Solving Scenarios** Instructor-facilitated or instructor-mediated case studies and problem-solving scenarios requiring higher-order thinking and analytical skills. Learners submit, share, or post responses produced and assessed according to course or unit rubrics. 1 case study analysis with report or posting = 1 instructional hour
Online Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes Subject competencies are assessed according to learning goals and objectives using online examinations, tests, and quizzes.

1 hour of testing = 1 instructional hour

NB: Final examinations may not be counted toward instructional hours, per Pa. Code 22.

Telephonic or Web-based Conference Calls Instructor-led meetings (synchronous) with learners with assessable course and subject-specific expectations for participation and feedback. Instructors are encouraged to use audio capture technology for later review. 1-hour web- or teleconference = 1 instructional hour
Virtual Laboratories Learners use computer-simulation laboratories in blended lab-based courses or in order to replace missed laboratories. Learners submit, share, or post lab reports produced and assessed according to course or unit rubrics. 1 hour of virtual laboratory = 1 instructional hour

Instructional hour equivalencies (examples listed above but not limited to) relate only to time spent posting materials, sharing work products for review (with instructors, facilitators, or peers), and providing peer or instructor feedback.

Out of Class Work (Homework) Equivalencies

Each instructional hour requires at least two hours of academic activity (homework) assigned outside of the classroom.  For example, a 3 Credit course with 42 Instructional Hours (14 hours per credit) would require 84 hours of documented homework.

Method of Instruction Description Average Hours per Occurrence **
Assignment Activity related to learning course objectives. Examples include: editing, math problems, questions at the end of a text, application of a lesson, or worksheet. 1 hour
Clinical Case Analysis or Transcription May include written analysis or verbatim transcription of client/student session. 2.5 hours
Clinical Field Application Process Work related to the placement for student teaching or clinical agency or school 2 hours
Computer Assisted Skills Practice Assigned skills practice within an online component that accompanies course materials. Skills practice per learning unit or set of objectives. 0.5 hours
Exam or Test Assessment of knowledge in online or take-home format. (Unproctored. Time augmented by number of occurrences.) 1 hour
Instructive Feedback Assigned student review of a project or paper for revision purposes. Must be listed on the syllabus. 0.5 hours
Multimedia Assigned video, podcasts, vodcasts, music, PowerPoint slides. 0.5 hours
Online Discussions: Posts and Responses Reading, responding and contributing to an online discussion. 1.5 hours
Papers and Essays (Occurrences equal page numbers) Papers and essays using APA/MLA or other discipline specific academic formatting. 2.5 hours
Portfolios Compilation of student artifacts constructed by the student. ePortfolio or hard copy. 3 hours
Practice or Simulation Activities Completion of a task or application of knowledge. 1.5 hours
Presentations Preparation of already researched topics, includes creating multimedia for the presentation. 1.5 hours
Quizzes Assessment of knowledge can be in a timed, online environment or take home. 0.5 hours
Reading Assignments Any type of assigned reading such as textbook, or journal article. Number of occurrences normally equals the number of pages, but may be adjusted due to content difficulty. 0.25 hours
Reflective Writing Assignments Any type of student written reflection such as a reflective journal. Number of occurrences equals the number of pages. 0.5 hours
Research Finding, reviewing, and reading for presentation or paper. Time based on 2-3 sources. 1 hour
Self-Assessments or Evaluations Formative student self-analysis activity to gain insight. 1 hour
Statistical or Data Analysis Analysis of data. Occurrences equal to number of analyses. 0.25 hours
Service Learning Reflection Use of Theological Reflection to examine service learning impact. 1 hour
Theological Reflection Reflection practice used to examine value-based learning. Taught in THEO-104. 1 hour
Tutorials Online or otherwise available multi-media lesson such as Smarthinking and LibGuides. 1 hour
Work Plan Analyses Analysis of lesson or other professional work plan. 1.5 hours

** Please note that 22 Pa. Code Chapter 31 (31.21 - 31.22) designates these activities as “homework” assignments. Instructional hour equivalencies relate only to time spent posting materials, sharing work products for review (with instructors, facilitators, or peers), and providing peer or instructor feedback.

Federal Regulations on Course Credit

Federal regulations included a definition of a credit hour under 34 CFR 600.2 for purposes of Federal programs including the Title IV student financial assistance programs. A credit hour for Federal purposes is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates some minimum amount of student work reflective of the amount of work expected in a Carnegie unit.

34 CFR 600.2 states:

Credit hour: Except as provided in 34 CFR 668.8(k) and (l), a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than-

  1. One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or
  2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

Block Schedule for Curricular Offerings

Neumann University’s full compliance with 22 Pa. Code Chapter 31 (31.21-31.22) has resulted in the following Block Schedule for all courses that are offered during weekdays. Weekend courses are offered at varying times on either Saturday and/or Sunday, but every course conforms to the clock hour requirements described at the beginning of this section.

Block Schedule 2025      


From its inception, Neumann University has sought to offer educational programs which are designed to promote sound intellectual development. Such development depends upon the initiative and level of interest sustained by the individual student in the search for intellectual competence.

The total curriculum is founded upon the premise that there is a core of learning which is basic to all educational programs at the University. This core is supplemented by a wide variety of courses from which the student may choose a broad range of subject matter. The basis of this choice is a climate of freedom in which the University seeks, through faculty guidance and academic advisement, to assist the student in the search for learning and to encourage the individual to make increasingly greater responsible choices.

Neumann University provides for continuing evaluation and revision of its curriculum. Therefore, students may encounter some changes in either core requirements and/or major/allied requirements during their enrollment at the University. The University reserves the right to implement such changes.


The curriculum for the University’s academic majors is divided into four sections: Core Requirements, Major Requirements, Allied Requirements (where applicable), and General Electives. A freshman experience course, INT 101 , which offers an academic orientation to baccalaureate programs, is required of all first-time, traditional college students as well as for those transfer students who have had fewer than 12 credits accepted by Neumann University.

Declaration of Academic Major

With the exception of the undergraduate program in Nursing which are covered under Nursing School policies, freshmen and transfer students to Neumann University can declare their major upon acceptance into the university.  Once the student has declared their major to their advisor of record at the time, students will follow the curriculum map of that particular major.  Adherence to the curriculum map includes all departmental prerequisites and standards that are currently in place in regard to that specific major.  Failure to meet these departmental standards will result in a student having to transfer out of the major where these requirements were not met to another major. 

Students who are unsure of their major are allowed to choose “UNDECIDED” as their major choice with the knowledge that this temporary assignment can only be used up to forty-five (45) credits.  Any student who has reached the forty-five (45) credit threshold must at that time declare a major.  No student at Neumann University is allowed to remain “UNDECIDED” once forty-five (45) credits have been reached.

Due to Pennsylvania Department of Education requirements, students pursuing an undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Education/Special Education will be enrolled in the “EDUCATIONAL STUDIES,” until such time as they pass the required examinations to be transferred into the Early Childhood Education/Special Education major.

The student is bound to the major requirements of the catalog at the time of acceptance into the university.

Core Experience Curriculum for Majors

The Core experience at Neumann reflects the University’s institutional mission and serves as the unifying educational experience for the student. The Core refers to specific numbers and types of courses which are required of all students in pursuit of a degree, as distinguished from General Electives and those courses which are required for a given academic major. The Core Curriculum is intended to free students from a narrowed concentration in one discipline. Hence, the Core provides all students with opportunities for the integration of knowledge, experience, and values which are essential for a liberal education.

Major Curriculum

An academic major is a series of courses in an approved academic area or discipline which requires a minimum of 30 credits.

At Neumann University, a student may pursue an academic major in an areas listed within the following: Undergraduate Program Descriptions  

A student may also pursue any of the above majors with a Pre-Law or Pre-Med focus. In addition, Secondary Education Teacher Certification in Biology, English, General Science, Math and Social Studies is available through selected majors. Specifically, these majors are: Biology and General Science certification through a major in Biology; English certification through a major in English; Math certification through a major in Math; and Social Studies certification through a major in Political Science. Specific requirements for each major can be found in the Undergraduate Program Descriptions   section of this catalog.

Allied Requirements for Majors

Some majors have prerequisite and corequisite courses, referred to as Allied Requirements, in addition to those specified for the major program itself. These Allied Requirements are designed to support the major and extend its significance. The number of Allied Requirements varies from one major to another.

General Electives

A portion of the curriculum at Neumann University has been designated as General Electives, i.e., courses through which a student may pursue areas of study which meet his/her varying needs or interests. The number of General Electives varies according to the student’s academic program. Some majors allow a relatively high number of General Electives; hence, there is the possibility of double-majoring. Another possibility is careful selection of courses to provide an academic minor along with certain majors. The choice of General Elective courses is the prerogative of the student in consultation with his/her academic advisor.

Accelerated Degree Programs

The Adult and Continuing Education Department [ACE] offers accelerated degree programs at the baccalaureate and associate level that are specifically designed for the adult learner. The requirements for these accelerated degree programs are the successful completion of (1) the common Core Curriculum for all accelerated degree programs; (2) either specified seminar course requirements that are unique to each degree program or optional academic concentrations that complement a Self-Designed curriculum; and, (3) any designated General Elective credits, if required. For additional information about any of these accelerated degree programs, please refer to the Undergraduate Programs of Study  section of this catalog, or call the ACE Department at 610-558-5629.

Core Curriculum for Accelerated Degree Programs

All of the six-credit accelerated degree programs in the ACE Department require the successful completion of a common Core Curriculum. This Core requirement serves as the unifying educational experience for students in the ACE Department and provides for the integration of knowledge, life experience, and values which are essential for a liberal education.

Residency Requirement

In order to be eligible to receive a degree from Neumann University, students must be matriculated at the University and must have successfully completed a minimum of 30 graded academic credits at the University. Additional information pertaining to degree requirements can be found below in the Undergraduate Degree Requirements section of the catalog. The University’s Residency Requirement cannot be satisfied through accepted transfer credit, documented prior learning experiences, other standardized examinations [such as CLEP, ACT, AP, DANTES], ACE credit recommendations, or other University-sponsored evaluations [such as Challenge Examinations]. For additional information, please contact the Office of the Registrar.

Degree Requirements

All candidates for undergraduate degrees at Neumann University (Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Science) must have fulfilled the following requirements:

  1. Formally applied to and been accepted to Neumann University.
  2. Satisfactorily completed the minimum number of required credits and fulfilled all Core, Major, Allied, and/or Concentration requirements for their specific program.
  3. Completed each Major, Allied, Minor, and/or Concentration requirement with a minimum grade of “C.” Exceptions to this requirement would be reviewed on a case by case basis by the School Dean. 
  4. Earned a minimum of 30 academic credits at Neumann University.
  5. Earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 for all courses taken at Neumann University. (Some programs may require a higher cumulative GPA to be eligible for graduation.)
  6. Satisfy the University’s Residency Requirement.
  7. Submit the Application for Graduation through the Self Service Portal


The University schedules a Graduation Commencement Ceremony in May and December of each academic year. Students who have completed all their degree requirements at the end of the Spring semester are eligible to march at the May Commencement ceremony and receive their diploma at the conclusion of the ceremony. Students who have completed all their degree requirements at the end of the Summer or Fall semester of each academic year are eligible to march at the December Commencement ceremony and receive their diploma at the conclusion of the ceremony.*

*For those students graduating at the end of the Summer semester, they will be able to receive their diplomas in September.  Degree recipients can either obtain their diplomas directly from the Registrar’s Office or have it mailed.  Email notification is required as to which option is chosen.  Students are encouraged, however, to march at the December Commencement ceremony as recognition of their academic achievement.

Students who do not satisfactorily complete all of their degree requirements by the end of the Spring semester may not, under any circumstances, participate in Commencement exercises in May.  Students who do not satisfactorily complete all of their degree requirements by the end of Summer or Fall semester may not, under any circumstances, participate in Commencement exercises in December.

Official transcripts that are ordered after the graduation verification process has been completed will include the date of academic program completion as well as the degree awarded and graduation honors.

Graduation Honors

The Baccalaureate degree with Honors is awarded to students who have earned a minimum of 60 academic credits at Neumann University and who have demonstrated superior academic achievement in their respective area(s) of study.  Such students will be awarded their degrees “with praise” according to the following criteria:

  • Summa Cum Laude: is awarded to those students with a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.900 - 4.000.
  • Magna Cum Laude: is awarded to those students with a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.700 - 3.899.
  • Cum Laude: is awarded to those students with a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.500 - 3.699.

Graduation Honors are not awarded at the graduate degree level. 

As part of the Graduation Honors determination process, the Academic Deans select a Valedictorian from among candidates for graduation who delivers a valedictory address to the senior class at either the University’s Academic Awards Convocation or Commencement.

Valedictorian Policy

The Valedictorian is a graduation senior whose entire academic program has been completed as a full-time student at Neumann University, and may include, if applicable, no more than 32 credits from these sources:

  • College credits earned while in high school (including AP coursework)
  • Credits earned while studying abroad
  • Credits earned at other institutions (and do not involve repeating courses initially attempted or completed at Neumann University)

All students meeting these criteria and placing in the upper three percent of their college graduating class will be evaluated for this honor. Overall grade point average (GPA), number and quality of transfer/abroad credits, involvement in leadership activities and community service congruent with the University’s Mission and Core Values should be used for comparison of eligible candidates.  

Certificate Programs

Certificate programs are available for students who do not wish to pursue a degree program. Each certificate program is comprised of specific required courses. Candidates for these certificate programs must have met the following requirements:

  1. Formally applied to and been accepted to Neumann University.
  2. Satisfactorily completed the required number of courses with a minimum grade of “C” for each requirement.
  3. Earned at least half (50%) of the required course credits at Neumann University.
  4. Received the approval of the appropriate School Chair.

Additional information may be found in the Certificate Programs section of this catalog.

Academic Advising

Neumann University recognizes academic advising as an integral part of its commitment to educational excellence in the Franciscan tradition. Throughout the educational programs at Neumann University, each student is offered advisement in the selection and planning of his/her academic program.  Academic advising is seen as a teaching and learning experience through which the student clarifies and evaluates personal goals in life, career, and education, while developing skills in the areas of thoughtful reflection, critical thinking, and strategic planning.

As a matter of practice, an academic advisor is assigned to each incoming first-year student and transfer student. This advisement may be supplemented by advice from the School Dean, the Director of Academic Coaching and Tutoring, faculty, and Academic and Career Coaches.

When students change majors, it often requires a change in academic advisor. If the student is remaining in the School, the Dean of the School will assign a new advisor. If the student is changing schools, The Professional Academic Advisor in the new School will assign the student a new advisor after a brief interview. Because academic advising is a continuous process of clarification and evaluation, it requires the delivery of accurate and timely information regarding major and career choices, course offerings, policies, and procedures along with the tools to help students navigate the many choices at their disposal.

Ultimately, a student’s educational program is his/her own responsibility. The final onus for satisfying degree requirements rests entirely with each student. By recognizing the student’s right to personal decisions and freedom of choice, Neumann University seeks to stimulate and support the individual student’s development and maturation.

Change of Academic Advisor

Either the academic advisor or the student may initiate a change in the advising relationship by contacting the appropriate School Dean.

Registration Procedure

The following Registration Procedure has been established for undergraduate students at Neumann University. 

Registration Procedure is for all students to complete online registration once the Academic Advisor has cleared the student’s plan for the semester.

  1. Shortly after the mid-point of each semester, the process of academic advisement/preregistration begins.
  2. Students meet with their faculty advisors to review their academic history, including the courses for which they are currently registered, and to plan for the next semester’s course load.
  3. Once an academic course plan for the next semester is developed and mutually agreed upon- The advisor will approve the course plan in self-service. Students will completed online registration during the designated registration period provided by the University Registrar.
  4. Students wishing to register for more than 19 credits per semester must secure the approval of their academic advisor and the appropriate School Dean. Unless specific permission is granted by the Provost, the maximum credit overload for which any student may register in any given semester is 21 hours. In all instances, students wishing to register for a course overload must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 and secured the permission of both their academic advisor and their School Dean. Students registered for credit overloads are assessed a per credit fee as established by the University.
  5. At the time of registration, no billing statement/course schedule is issued to the student.
  6. Billing statements, with specified due dates, are mailed to each student on dates established by the Business Office.
  7. Only students who have either paid their bills or made arrangements with the Business Office are considered to be officially registered.
  8. Students have access to their schedule through self service.
  9. Students with unpaid accounts are not permitted to attend classes.
  10. The University cannot guarantee a reserved place in class(es) for students who have neither paid their accounts by the specified due date nor made payment arrangements with the Business Office.

SouthEastern Pennsylvania Consortium for Higher Education (SEPCHE) Cross-Registration Program

Neumann University full-time undergraduate matriculated students, paying full-time tuition, may register for up to two undergraduate courses a year at any other SouthEastern Pennsylvania Consortium for Higher Education (SEPCHE) member institution. SEPCHE members include Arcadia University, Chestnut Hill College, Gwynedd-Mercy College, Holy Family University, Immaculata University, Neumann University, and Rosemont College.

The Cross-Registration Program is designed to provide increased educational opportunities for students of any member institution. Through this program, students have the option to take courses that are not being offered at their home campus and to experience the varied and diverse resources of other member campuses across the Delaware Valley.

In order to be eligible to participate, students must have completed at least one year as a full-time, matriculated student at their home campus before taking courses through this Cross-Registration Program. Courses may not be taken at a member institution if that course or its equivalent is offered at the home institution in the same semester. No tuition or fees will be charged by the host institution, except for special or extra fees that are part of courses taken, such as lab fees. The Cross-Registration Program functions only in the Fall and Spring semesters of an academic year, and does not apply to accelerated or weekend courses, independent study, study abroad, tutorials, internships, practicum field experiences, student teaching experiences, private music lessons, or per credit hour or graduate students.

Short-Term Study Abroad courses listed as either Spring or Fall courses at any SEPCHE institution are included in the courses that are eligible for cross-registration. Students who qualify for the SEPCHE Cross-Registration Program are not charged additional tuition to cross-register for one of these courses. The student is responsible, however, for all travel-related costs.

Credits earned in this Cross-Registration Program count toward graduation requirements on the home campus, and grades earned are applied to the student’s GPA.

For course listings and more information, visit the SEPCHE web site at www.sepche.org.

Supplemental Ways of Earning Credit


Neumann University participates in the Advanced Placement Examination Program (AP), the American College Testing Program (ACT), the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES/DSST). These testing programs, which offer both general and specific subject area examinations, are administered by the College Entrance Examination Board and the American College Testing Service and correspond to course content that a student would most likely find during his/her first two years of study. Most of these examinations equate to one-semester courses, although some are equivalent to a full year (or two semesters) of learning. Additional information can be obtained by either contacting the Educational Testing Service, located in Princeton, New Jersey 08541, or the Office of the Registrar. The results of all examinations must be sent directly to the Office of the Registrar in order to be evaluated for credit.

Neumann University grants credit for those scores which are at or above the “C” level as set forth in equivalency tables which are prepared and published by these testing agencies. For most CLEP Examinations, a minimum score of “50” is required, although higher minimum scores are needed for College Level 2 foreign language examinations (“59” for French; “60” for German; and “63” for Spanish). Advanced Placement Examinations require a minimum grade of “3” in order for college-level credit to be awarded. The applicability of accepted credits toward general degree requirements and/or specific program requirements is determined by the Registrar, in consultation with the appropriate Division Dean. A maximum of 15 semester hours of either AP, ACT, CLEP, or DANTES credit may be applied toward the associate’s degree, and a maximum of 30 semester hours toward the bachelor’s degree, provided that the maximum number of transfer credits has not been exceeded.

Students transferring credits from Delaware County Technical High School and Chester High School/CUSD should arrange to have an official transcript through Excelsior College (https://www.nocti.org/nccrs.cfm)

Students currently enrolled at Delaware County Technical High School and Chester High School/CUSD can receive College Credits when completing NOCTI Exams. Listed below are the equivalencies approved for transfer credit to Neumann University.

In order for students from Delaware County Technical High School and Chester High School/CUSD to receive transfer credit from Neumann University:

Students need to request official transcripts from NOCTI through Excelsior College at the following link https://www.nocti.org/nccrs.cfm

Delaware County Technical High School

Concentration Tests/Training Neumann Credits
Early Childhood Education NOCTI Exam, CDA Cert, Infant Toddler Cert, CPR/AED Cert

ECE 101 Introduction to the Teaching Profession: PK-4  
ECE 245 Integrating the Arts for the Developing Child  

Exercise Therapy and Sport Science NOCTI Exam or Tast List 51.2604, CPR/AED Cert, Certified Personal Trainer Cert (NASM or ASM) HSC 100 Introduction to Health Sciences  
HSC 110 CPR and First Aid  
HSC 240 Strength and Conditioning  
Medical Careers NOCTI Exam, CPR/AED Cert NUR 126 Special Topics in Nursing  
HSC 100 Introduction to Health Sciences  
Advertising Design and Commercial Arts NOCTI Exam, Adobe Certified Associate, Adobe Creative Suits Associate, Dreamweaver CC Applications ART 220 Graphic Design  
CDM 272 Visual Communication  
Health Sciences NOCTI, CPR/AED Certs NUR 126 Special Topics in Nursing  
HSC 100 Introduction to Health Sciences  


Chester High School/CUSD

Concentration Tests/Training Neumann Credits
Communication Technologies NOCTI Exam, Adobe Certified Associate, Adobe Creative Suites Applications, Final Cut Pro ART 220 Graphic Design  
CDM 272 Visual Communication  
Sport Management/ Marketing Task List CIP 52.1801 MKT 100 Principles of Marketing  
SM 101 Introduction to Sport Management  


Challenge Examinations

Course credits may be earned for selected courses through successful completion of examinations developed by Neumann University faculty, i.e., Challenge Examinations. Selected laboratory courses for which the Challenge option is available require testing in both theory and practice.

Students initiate a request for a Challenge Examination by completing a Challenge Examination Request Form, which may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. The availability of Challenge Examinations for specific courses and the scheduling of these examinations are at the discretion of the sponsoring Division. Details can be obtained through the appropriate Division office. Successful challenges receive a Pass (“P”) grade which is not calculated into either the student’s semester or cumulative GPA. Credits earned through Challenge Examinations are not recorded onto the student’s permanent academic record until he/she has completed 30 credit hours of course work at Neumann University. A student may take a Challenge Examination for any given course only once.

In general, a student may not use the Challenge Examination option to earn credits for a course when any of the following circumstances are involved:

  1. The student has already taken the course at Neumann and failed.
  2. The student’s Neumann transcript already shows credits awarded for the course taken either at Neumann University or accepted through transfer.
  3. The student is currently enrolled in the course and has attended class. (Exceptions to this policy may be made by the Dean of the School in which the course is taught.)

Examples of Challenge Examinations that are available through the appropriate Schools are listed below:

  BIO 205 /BIO 215  & BIO 206 /BIO 216   Human Anatomy/Human Physiology (8 credits)
  MGT 100   Principles of Management (3 credits)
  CIM 102   Introduction to Software Applications (3 credits)
  MATH 103   College Algebra (3 credits)
  MATH 110   Precalculus (3 credits)
  MKT 100   Principles of Marketing (3 credits)
  SCI 215   Nutrition (3 credits)

For information pertaining to tuition costs and fees for Challenge Examinations, please refer to the Undergraduate Tuition and Expenses  section of this catalog.

Directed Study (DS)

The University reserves the right to offer a Directed Study to individuals in order to fulfill their degree requirements. This option can only be offered for a course which is part of the Neumann University curriculum but is not being offered in the semester when the student needs it to graduate on schedule. Students may petition and apply for a Directed Study only in exceptional circumstances. A maximum of 3 students per semester per faculty member may register for the same Directed Study in any given semester and earn 1 to 6 credits depending upon the approved credits for the course involved.

Students who wish to pursue a Directed Study must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00, must be matriculated at the University, and must have achieved a minimum of junior level status as defined by total number of earned credits (60).

Students interested in pursuing this option should follow the procedure listed below:

1. Discuss the possibility of applying for a Directed Study with their academic advisor.

2. Talk to the Dean or Director/Program Coordinator of the sponsoring School for the course under consideration.

3. If the course is approved, the Dean approaches the appropriate faculty member to determine his/her availability. Final approval of any Directed Study arrangement rests with the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

4. Complete the Directed Study Contract, which can be obtained from the Office of the University Registrar, and secure the appropriate signatures. This Directed Study Contract, drafted between the instructor and the student, clarifies the course objectives, methodology, number of meetings between the student and instructor, and the means of evaluation. The learning outcomes of this course, taken as a Directed Study, must duplicate the course description contained in the current University catalog. Copies of the completed contract, with all required signatures, are then forwarded to the School Dean, the Registrar, the instructor, and the student.

5. The Directed Study Contract must be completed and approved, with all required signatures, by the end of the designated Add/Drop period for the semester in which the Directed Study is to take place. After the approval process has been completed, formally register for the Directed Study as for any other course.

Independent Study Program (ISP)

Independent Study is the special investigation of a selected topic which may be taken by either a junior or senior level student whose academic interests cannot be met by regular curriculum offerings. The purpose of the Independent Study option is to allow a student to pursue a subject beyond any existing Neumann University course. Independent studies cannot be used to substitute for required courses currently in the curriculum. Depending on the depth and scope of an Independent Study, from one (1) to three (3) credits may be earned for each Independent Study contract with a maximum of two contracts per student per semester. Determination of assigned credits is made by the Dean of the sponsoring School and the faculty member directing the Independent Study.

Students who wish to pursue an Independent Study must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00, must be matriculated at the University, and must have achieved a minimum of junior level status as defined by total number of earned credits. The registrar will validate the student’s GPA and status. Non-matriculated students do not qualify for Independent Study projects.

Each Independent Study Project may have up to three (3) students doing the same project.

Experiential Learning Portfolio Assessment

Undergraduate students in the Adult and Continuing Education Programs may be eligible for a review of experiential learning as an avenue to earn credit. Credits may be earned through either a Documented Prior Learning review. The Documented Prior Learning review may be warranted for college-level learning activities that are documented and verified.  The process for review is outlined below.

Documented Prior Learning (DPL) is reviewable for college credit if it demonstrates equivalent university-level training that would take place in college/university classroom.  It is learning that includes depth of an academic discipline or curriculum, or perhaps practical application of that learning.  A certificate of completion does not necessarily equate to academic credit.  Therefore, a thorough review of the information listed below is required.  Examples of experiences that are NOT equal to college credit and are therefore ineligible for review are:

  • Community service, such as serving at foodbanks, homeless shelters, churches, building houses, etc.
  • Volunteer work, for example church events, fundraisers, daycare facilities, hospitals, etc.
  • Exams, study and preparation for exams, tests, etc.

Document Review:

All students must present original certificates, or letters, of completion or a signed Statement of Authenticity form with copies of the original certificates.

Each certificate/document should include:

  1. Name of the student seeking credit
  2. Title of the course taken
  3. Description of the course taken*
  4. Date(s) of course
  5. Total number of hours spent in the class
  6. Verification of completion through official signature or stamp

*Additional documentation may be required to determine learning objectives and outcomes. Municipal, State and Federal training, or organizations acting on behalf of these entities, of any kind generally do not require additional documentation.  Additionally, typically, training previously evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE), and those with CEU designation do not require additional documentation.

If approved, standard documented prior learning uses a 15 hour: 1 college credit conversion ratio.  Documents that provide appropriate continuing education credits will be reviewed according to their individual equivalencies.  For example, each CEU uses a 10-hour conversion ratio; each CME uses a 1 hour per 1 credit ratio etc.

Submission Procedure:

  1. Review all documents with Academic Advisor.
  2. Prepare two copies of all files reviewed and forward to the Academic Advisor.
  3. All work will be reviewed by the Dean and Registrar, with input from the Academic Advisor as appropriate.
  4. The Registrar will review for credit on the 15th of each month.
  5. Academic credit awarded will be applied to the student transcript.

Important: Academic Advisor reviews, unofficial program plans, and completion of the submission process do not guarantee or substitute as official transcripts, nor do they guarantee credit awards.  All information will be formally reviewed by the Registrar and Dean for determination of credit.  Some documentation may not meet requirements and therefore, credit may not be awarded.

Summer Sessions

Neumann University’s summer sessions offer a wide variety of courses for college credit. Summer sessions are open to students who wish to either accelerate their academic program of study or to improve their academic standing. Summer programs are also open to qualified students from other colleges and universities.

Academic Regulations and Standards


A student is officially a member of a class when his/her name appears on the official class list which is generated by the instructor through Web Advisor. This list indicates that the student has officially registered for that class and has met all financial obligations to the University.

A student is not officially removed as a member of a class until either a Course Withdrawal Form to discontinue the course has been completed and signed by the student, and has been processed by the Registrar, or the student has been removed from class as a “no show” by the Registrar’s Office.

Class Size

Neumann University strives to maintain small classroom environments. However, classes may vary in size according to course format and subject matter.

Class Attendance/Roster Verification

Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes, laboratories, and official convocations of the University. A student’s presence and participation in class are critical factors towards the completion of the work for the class and achievement of success in the course. A student who is absent from class, if at all possible and as a matter of courtesy, should inform the instructor in advance of the absence. If absences occur, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor with regard to making up the work missed. Permission to make up course assignments will be granted at the sole discretion of the instructor.

Neumann University is a non-attendance taking university in accordance to the rules and regulations set forth by the Federal Government (effective August 31, 2015). Each faculty member is required to perform a roster verification process that will take place during the first two weeks of all classes (including laboratories, practica experiences, etc.). This roster verification process involves faculty members taking attendance via Webadvisor for the first two weeks of class.  During the second week of class, Facutly members will be directed by the University Registrar’s Office to verify their rosters and indicate any students as “No-Shows” at this point in time by the use of Webadvisor. After the first week of class, a student’s withdrawal date will be the date when the student completes a Withdrawal Form available in the University Registrar’s Office (refer to Procedure to withdraw from a course). Neumann University is not responsible to document a student’s last date of attendance. This is documented when the student completes the official withdraw form available in the Office of the University Registrar.

The attendance policy for a particular course should be stated in the course syllabus.

If the instructor fails to be present at the beginning of a class period, students are expected to extend the courtesy of allowing 10 minutes to elapse, in the absence of a specific directive, before departing.

Drop/Add Policy

Students have the right to drop or add any course(s) through the first week of the semester. In the case of a shortened term, e.g., Summer Sessions, courses may be dropped or added before the class has met for a second time. Once a student has pre-registered, the Drop/Add policy becomes effective.  The Drop/Add procedure is as follows:

  1. Student would complete request through self-service to have course approved by advisor and follow online registration procedures to add/drop course.
  2. A School Approval is needed if the course to be added is over-enrolled. 

Course Withdrawal Policy

Students have the right to withdraw from any course of their choice in accordance with the following policy. A student who withdraws from a course for any reason from the day after the “Drop/Add” period to five weeks prior to the last scheduled day of classes shall receive a grade of “W.” 

The student may withdraw from any course at will during the course refund period. For the fall and spring semesters, this period is generally through the fourth week of classes and is published in the Catalog under Tuition and Fees. For other semesters, consult the catalog under tuition and fees for the dates of the course refund period.

Withdraw Policy for Allied Science Courses

It is the policy of the School of Arts and Sciences that, if a student enrolls in an Allied Science course (BIO 130/135, CHEM 101/111, BIO 131/136, and BIO 106/116) and then withdraws from the lecture portion of the course (BIO 130, CHEM 101, BIO 131, BIO 106), that student must also withdraw from the lab portion of the course (BIO 135, CHEM 111, BIO 136, and BIO 116). A student who withdraws from the lab portion of the course need not also drop the lecture.

Procedure to withdraw from a course:

The student must complete the Course Withdrawal Form (located on University Registrar’s Webpage- Secure Internet Form or available on Computer Kiosk in University Registrar’s Office) in order to be officially withdrawn from the course. Upon completion, the student will be immediately withdrawn the day the form is completed from the course and an automated email will be sent to the student’s academic advisor and instructor.  The academic advisor or instructor will have 5 days to review the course withdraw and recommend alternative actions (if needed) to the student. If a student’s withdrawal would change the student’s status from full-time (12 or more credits) to part-time (less than 12 credits), the student must document a meeting with a financial aid advisor.

Failure to meet Standards of Academic Progress will affect Financial Aid eligibility. Therefore, the decision to withdraw from a course should be an informed decision. The student should consult with the Financial Aid Office, their academic advisor, and the course instructor in making this decision.

Official withdrawal from courses is the responsibility of the student. The student must complete the Course Withdrawal Form (Registrar’s Office Webpage). After completion of the electronic course withdrawal form, students will receive a confirmation page indicating the form has been received and students can review their self-service accounts for verification of the withdraw within 24 hours of the completion of the electronic form.

Withdrawal from any course(s) is official only when the Electronic Course Withdrawal Form has been completed and electronically signed by the student.

The receipt of this documentation determines the date of course withdrawal and is recorded as such and noted in the student’s academic file. Withdrawn courses receive a grade of W. 

A grade of F will be assigned to a student who fails to officially withdraw, or who registers for a course but does not complete the course requirements.

Exceptions to the Withdrawal Policy:

  1. Course withdrawals are not permitted after the published deadlines.

    Under extraordinary circumstances, students may petition for a waiver of this policy so that a course withdrawal can occur after the published date in the University’s catalog. To initiate such a petition, the student must submit appropriate and detailed documentation to support his/her request to the University Registrar. In all cases, the final decision rests with the Provost. If the student seeks a waiver of this policy for medical reasons, the student must present documentation to the University Registrar that takes the form of a detailed letter of petition, written by the student, specifying the reason for the request. Attached to that petition must be a signed letter, written on official letterhead, from a qualified and licensed health care provider that 1) clearly supports the student’s petition for a course withdrawal due to medical reasons; 2) identifies the nature of the student’s medical condition; 3) links that condition to the need for the student’s requested withdrawal; 4) lists the dates of the student’s treatment; and 5) provides a recommendation as to whether or not the student will be able to return to Neumann University to resume his/her studies. If such a petition is approved by the Provost, the withdrawal will apply for an entire semester; and all courses for which the student is registered in that semester will be assigned a grade of “W.” Before considering withdrawing from any course(s), other than for medical reasons, the student should consult with his/her academic advisor before completing the course withdrawal process.
  2. A student can request a grade of I (Incomplete) during the last five weeks of the semester (or after the official withdrawal period) and prior to the final exam. The grade of I must have the approval of the course instructor. The student obtains the form for a request for a grade of Incomplete from the Registrar’s Office and returns the completed forms to that office for processing. (See additional information for the I (Incomplete) grade under Grading in the University Catalog.)
  3. If the student does not attend scheduled classes at the beginning of the term, the student will be withdrawn from these classes as a “no show”, and will be considered as a non-registered student.  The following guidelines are used to determine “no show” status:
    1. Full 15 week term:
      1. The student is not present for the first 4 classes in a course that meets 3 times a week.
      2. The student is not present for the first 3 classes in a course that meets twice a week.
      3. The student is not present for the first 2 classes in a course that meets once a week.
      4. The student does not log on to an online course within the first 10 days after the start of the online course.
    2. Other terms:
      1. Generally, the student is not present for the first 4 hours of an assigned meeting time for the course.  OR
      2. As determined by the Office of the Registrar.

Withdrawal or dropping classes does not eliminate the student’s financial obligation to the University. The student is still responsible for any charges owed to the University at the official date of withdrawal based on the current tuition and refund policies.

Withdrawal from the Major:

Any undergraduate student who has been accepted into the major may request a change in major. Students should contact their academic advisor and schedule a meeting with the Academic Advising Center to review major changes and the process to change a major.

Withdrawal from the University

A withdrawal interview is required to complete the University Withdrawal form.  Students must contact the Office of Retention Services, Bachmann Main Building on the ground floor, Room G30-F.  Appointments may be made by emailing Bill Ritchey, Associate Director of Student Retention at ritcheyw@neumann.edu .  Once the interview is completed, students will receive a unique code that is required for the submission of the University Withdrawal form.

Full University Withdrawal will not be processed until all exit interviews are completed and the student receives access to and completes the University Withdrawal form.  Confirmation of University Withdrawal will be provided to the student once all the steps are completed.

The University Withdrawal form will be made available via an email from the Office of Retention Services after the following criteria has been completed.  All interviews may be completed virtually for online students and those students that are unable to visit campus.

  • Speak with your Academic Advisor, Professional Advisor, Program Director or School Dean about potential options for a different degree/major.  Advisor email addresses are available for students in Self-Service under the tab for Advising.
  • Complete an exit interview with the Office of Retention Services:  ritcheyw@neumann.edu
  • Complete an exit interview with the Office of Financial Aid and the Financial Aid Exit Counseling:   finaid@neumann.edu
  • Student Loan Exit Counseling available at the following link:  https://studentaid.gov/exit-counseling/
  • Resident students must meet with the Office of Residence Life in reference to the requirements necessary to move out of the dorm rooms: reslife@neumann.edu

This withdrawal will be from all courses in which the student is officially enrolled. If the student withdraws from all classes, the grade for the withdrawn classes follows University guidelines, dependent upon the date of withdrawal. The student is still responsible for any charges owed to the University at the official date of withdrawal based on the current tuition and refund policies. Information on the tuition refund policy can be found in the University catalog at: Undergraduate Tuition and Expenses .

A student may request University withdrawal for medical reasons. This request and its documentation must submitted during the exit interview process with the Office of Retention Services. Documentation for Medical Withdraws should include the following information: A signed letter, written on official letterhead, from a qualified and licensed health care provider that 1) clearly supports the student’s petition for course withdrawal due to medical reasons; 2) identifies the nature of the student’s medical condition; 3) links that condition to the need for the student’s requested withdrawal; 4) lists the dates of the student’s treatment; and 5) provides a recommendation as to whether or not the student is able to return to Neumann University to resume his/her studies. 

Any exception to the policy for University Withdrawals and Refunds for medical reasons must be approved by the University Provost. 

The student may be readmitted to Neumann University and/or their accepted major according to the University’s policies at the time of re-application.

Withdrawals and Refunds

Withdrawing or dropping a course may entitle the student to a refund or a credit according to the refund schedule. Fees are non-refundable, except for those courses which have been canceled by the University.

Refund Policy

The date initialed by the University Registrar or academic advisor (for evening/weekend students only) on either the Drop/Add Form or University Withdrawal Form serves as the student’s date of withdrawal and is the basis for computing any refund.

The first scheduled meeting of a course constitutes the beginning of the refund period for that course. The refund period may change based upon the length or nature of the course. Refunds are determined by the Business Office only. Financial Aid is adjusted accordingly with regard to the number of credits which have been dropped. If a student withdraws or if a credit is incurred due to financial aid awards or overpayment, a refund can be expected through the mail in a timely manner. If a student feels that individual circumstances warrant an exception to this refund policy, a request for such consideration must be made in writing to the Business Office, Attention: Bursar, Neumann University, One Neumann Drive, Aston, PA 19014-1298.

The University’s tuition refund policy is separate from the federal regulation requiring the University to return unearned federal aid. Undergraduate Tuition and Expenses  

Federal law requires schools to calculate how much federal student aid a student has earned if a student:

·         Completely withdraws from the term / semester / University

·         Enrolls in mini terms during a semester and then does not complete all mini terms

·         Stops attending before completing the term / semester

The amount of Federal Student Aid earned is based on the percentage of the term/semester completed by the student prior to their withdrawal. The effective date of withdrawal from the University is calculated from the date the student informs the University that he/she intends to withdraw.

Any student who withdraws before completing 60.01% of the term / semester will have their aid recalculated to match the percentage of the term / semester they completed and the unearned portion of their Federal Student Aid will be returned to the Department of Education.

Any unearned funds that are returned may result in a balance due to Neumann University from the student. A student who withdraws after the 60.01% point of the semester is considered to have earned 100% of his or her aid and will not have any Federal Student Aid returned to the Department of Education.

Please note: regardless of percentage of aid earned, any student who withdraws must complete the official withdrawal process with the University Registrar.

If federal direct student loan funds were ever borrowed by the student, an exit counseling must be completed at https://studentloans.gov

For more information in regards to financial aid, please visit: http://www.neumann.edu/financialaid/r2t4

Leave of Absence Policy

Students who are in good academic standing at Neumann University may request a Leave of Absence from the University for up to one semester. To initiate this process, students must obtain a Leave of Absence Form from the Registrar’s Office.  Before any leave of absence request can be considered, the student must provide all required information on the Form, including the reason(s) for requesting the leave as well as the anticipated date of return to Neumann University. The completed Form is then reviewed by the Bursar, who identifies any outstanding monies owed by the student to the University; the Registrar, who verifies the student’s academic standing; the student’s School Dean; and the Director of Financial Aid. Following this verification procedure, the completed Form is sent to the Provost, who either approves or denies the student’s request. In extraordinary circumstances and upon written request from the student, the Provost may approve a one-semester extension to a granted Leave of Absence.

Students on leave may register for courses for the semester in which they are to return to Neumann and may resume their studies on schedule without having to reapply for admission or formally notify the University in any other fashion. Students on leave who do not return on schedule are automatically withdrawn from the University and must formally reapply for admission to Neumann University. (See the Readmission Policy   section of this catalog.)

Semester Course Loads

By definition, a student registered for a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester is considered to be full-time. Full-time tuition enables the student to register for a maximum of 19 credit hours of course work per semester, unless academic restrictions have been imposed upon the student.

Any credit(s) in excess of 19 for which the student has registered in any given semester is classified as a credit overload. Unless specific permission is granted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the maximum credit overload for which any student may register in any given semester is 21 hours. In all instances, students wishing to register for a course overload must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 and secured the permission of both their academic advisor and their School Dean. Students registered for credit overloads are assessed a per-credit fee as established by the University and published in the Undergraduate Tuition and Expenses   section of this catalog.

Courses at Outside Colleges

Under exceptional circumstances, matriculated students attending Neumann University may take one or more course(s) at another regionally accredited institution and have those credits transferred back to Neumann, in accordance with the University’s policy regarding the acceptance of transfer credit for which a grade of “C” or better has been earned. For college-level course work completed outside of the United States that is being presented for possible transfer credit acceptance, World Education Services must be utilized for a course-to-course evaluation which identifies United States college-level course equivalencies. Instructions for obtaining this evaluation from World Education Services can be found at www.wes.org or by writing to World Education Services, Bowling Green Station, P.O. Box 5087, New York, NY 10274-5087. The sole exception to this evaluation process would be for those foreign institutions with which Neumann University has previously established articulation agreements. For additional information, please contact the Registrar’s Office.

To initiate this process, the student must obtain an Outside Credit Approval Form, which is available from the Registrar’s Office. The student must list the course(s) which is/are to be taken as well as the appropriate Neumann University course equivalencies. All course equivalencies  have to be approved by the University Registrar’s Office. Courses which are approved to be taken at another institution must demonstrate equivalency to a Neumann course in terms of course content, credit value, and stated objectives as printed in the most current edition of the University catalog. In the case of any doubt as to which Neumann University course is equivalent to the course which is to be taken elsewhere, the student should consult with the appropriate School Dean and/or the Registrar. The student must also obtain the signature of his/her academic advisor. Approval will be given only if proper ratification has been granted before the student takes the course(s).

Students seeking permission for off-campus course work are reminded that in order to receive a degree from Neumann University, a minimum of 50% of their academic program’s requirements must be successfully completed at Neumann University.

Students are also advised that no outside credit approvals are permitted during the student’s last semester at Neumann University prior to graduation. Exceptions to this policy can only be granted if sufficient cause for an exemption can be documented by the student and, subsequently, be approved by the University Registrar.

Student Classification

Students attending Neumann University are classified according to the definitions listed below:

Matriculated: Matriculated students are those individuals who, having completed the application process and received notification of formal acceptance into the University, register for academic courses and indicate their intent to pursue a degree in a specific academic major/program or a certificate in one of the University’s certificate programs.

Non-Matriculated: Non-matriculated students are those who are enrolled in academic courses but who have not been admitted to the University. This classification includes both those students who may or may not intend to apply their credits toward an academic degree at Neumann University.

Traditional: Prospective or entering undergraduate students who are from 17 to 20 years of age are classified as traditional students.

Non-Traditional: Prospective or entering undergraduate students who are 21 years of age or older are classified as non-traditional students.

Full-Time Undergraduate: Students who have registered for a normal semester credit load of between 12 and 19 credits - or, with special permission of both their academic advisor and Division Dean, for an overload of between 20-21 credits - are classified as full-time.

Part-Time Undergraduate: This category pertains to those students who have registered for a semester credit load of 1 to 11 credits.

Transfer: Transfer students are defined as those students who have previously earned academic credits from (1) other regionally accredited institutions, (2) corporations with courses which have been evaluated for academic credit by the American Council on Education, or (3) courses from the United States armed services which have been evaluated for academic credit by the American Council on Education.

Day Major: Matriculated undergraduate students who work toward a specific degree by taking the majority of their required courses - and, specifically, their major courses - in the day schedule.

Evening Major: Matriculated undergraduate students who work toward a specific degree by taking the majority of their required courses - and, specifically, their major courses - in the evening schedule.

Class Status: Undergraduate students are assigned a class status which is determined by the number of credits that have been successfully completed. This classification is determined in accordance with the following parameters of successfully completed credits.

  Freshman: Fewer than 30 completed credits
  Sophomore: A minimum of 30 credits but fewer than 60 completed credits
  Junior: A minimum of 60 credits but fewer than 90 completed credits
  Senior: A minimum of 90 completed credits

Course Examinations

During the semester, oral and written tests are given at the discretion of the instructor. At the close of each semester/term, written examinations or some equivalent means of final assessment, e.g., portfolio review, are conducted in all courses. A Final Examination Schedule is distributed to all faculty at the beginning of each semester by the Registrar.

Assessment of Institutional Outcomes

Neumann University students participate in a variety of assessments throughout their academic programs of study. In addition to required examinations and other methods of evaluation employed in individual courses and program reviews, students are encouraged to participate in assessments, including but not limited to surveys, standardized end of course evaluations, and peer review, undertaken by programs, schools, or other units of the University. Assessments are an inherent component of a Neumann University education and are designed to obtain data relevant to the following objectives:

  1. To increase a student’s knowledge of self, thereby enhancing opportunities for success.
  2. To identify a student’s level of academic skill or knowledge in order to determine if remedial work or advanced placement is warranted.
  3. To determine levels of student satisfaction with University programs and services.
  4. To identify areas in academic programs or student services that are in need of improvement.
  5. To evaluate student achievements and program achievements in order to measure Neumann University’s effectiveness in meeting its stated Mission.

Grading System

Academic standing is dependent upon both the quality and quantity of work. The number of credits successfully completed indicates the quantity of the student’s academic work. The Grade Point Average (GPA) indicates the relative quality of that work and is a numerical index of the ratio of the number of quality points earned to the number of credits received. The GPA is computed at the conclusion of each academic semester/term for all courses completed at Neumann University. Accepted transfer credits are not computed in a student’s GPA.



Neumann University

Quality Points 




























Athletic Training 

All Athletic Training students must earn a grade of B- or higher in all courses.  


All undergraduate nursing students must earn a grade of C+ or higher in all nursing and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7. All undergraduate nursing students must earn a grade of C+ and a cumulative allied science GPA no less than 3.0 in all pre-major allied science courses.     

All graduate nursing students must earn a grade of B or higher in all nursing courses and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. 

Doctor of Physical Therapy  

A course grade of D+, D, D-, or F in any course will result in dismissal from the Program. In addition, grades of C+, C, or C- in more than a total of 8 credits of course work will also result in dismissal from the Program. All students are expected to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 throughout the Physical Therapy Program. If a student’s cumulative GPA falls below a 3.0, that student is automatically placed on academic probation within the Program.  


Undergraduate and graduate students in Education must earn a grade of B or higher in all Education courses and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. 

Other Graduate Program Requirements 

Graduate students enrolled in the following programs: Accounting, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Sport Business, Strategic Leadership and Post Baccalaureate - Clinical Lab Science must earn a grade of C+ or higher in all courses and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. 

Transfer credits are not computed in either the student’s semester or cumulative GPA.

Grades Without Quality Points

In specific situations, students may also receive the following grades. None of these grades have a quality point value and, therefore, are not calculated into either the student’s semester or cumulative GPA.

Audit (“AU”): The privilege of auditing a course is offered to all students, provided that those courses have not exceeded their enrollment ceiling. Any student wishing to audit a course must obtain permission from the course instructor and his/her academic advisor. Costs for auditing courses are the same as the tuition cost per credit hour.

Senior citizens over 65 years of age and alumni of the University may audit courses tuition free, provided that the policy stipulations delineated above have been met. Senior citizens and alumni are responsible for the Course Audit Fee. (See Undergraduate Tuition and Expenses  section of this catalog.)

Incomplete (“I”): Incomplete grades are given only at the student’s request and only after that request has been approved by the student’s instructor. To initiate this process, the student must meet with their faculty member to review the request for an incomplete grade. The Request for Incomplete Grade Form can only be completed by faculty once the faculty member has approved the request for an incomplete grade. If the faculty member has denied the request for incomplete- no further action is required. There is no guarantee that faculty approval is automatic. The faculty member must complete an electronic Request for Incomplete Grade Form, available for faculty with secure access in self-service under the faculty tab.

Grades of Incomplete must be removed, i.e., all work must be completed, within four weeks from the last day of the semester in which the grade is issued. Specific dates are published in the University’s Academic Calendar and other related documents issued through the Registrar’s Office. If the student does not complete the course requirements by the specified deadline date, and unless an extension has been granted, the faculty member must record and submit an automatic grade of “F” to the Registrar’s Office. In unusual circumstances, extensions to the deadline dates may be granted at the discretion of the faculty member who conveys that determination in writing to both the School Dean and Registrar. In no instance is an extension approved for more than a 12-month period from the initial granting of the Incomplete grade.

Any student who is either receiving or requesting financial assistance should make an appointment with a Financial Aid Specialist in the Financial Assistance Office to determine if and to what degree his/her eligibility for financial assistance will be impacted. No exceptions to the above policy can be granted simply because a student is either receiving or requesting financial assistance.

No Grade Submitted (“NG”): In the unlikely situation where an instructor does not submit a final grade for a given course before final grade reports are generated, a grade of “NG” will be entered until such time that a final grade is issued and entered into the student’s permanent academic record.

Pass/Fail (“P/F”): Those courses which are numbered below “100,” or any course which a student takes as a General Elective, may be graded as Pass(“P”)/Fail(“F”). This option must be requested by the student during the first two weeks of any given semester/term, unless otherwise posted. Final approval, however, rests with the instructor. The student and the faculty member concerned must sign the Pass/Fail Form, which the student acquires from the Registrar’s Office and returns to the Registrar. When this option is used, the student’s GPA is affected only when a failure grade (“F”) is earned.

Repeated Courses (“R”): Students earning a grade of “D+” or less in either Major, Allied, Minor, or Certificate requirements where a minimum grade of “C” is required may repeat the course(s) once and may only repeat that/those course(s) at Neumann University. Repeating the course(s) more than once requires the approval of both the student’s academic advisor and the appropriate Dean whose School offers the course(s).

Repeating a course that is neither a Major, Allied, Minor, nor Certificate requirement, i.e., either a Core course or General Elective course, can also be repeated only once but may be taken, with the approval of the School Dean whose School offers the course(s), at other institutions besides Neumann University.

For repeated courses taken at Neumann University, the repeated grade replaces the original grade on the student’s academic transcript and in the calculation of the student’s semester and cumulative GPA. For repeated courses taken at other institutions, however, the repeated course credit is accepted in transfer with a corresponding designation of “T” but, in accordance with the academic policy governing the acceptance of transfer credit, not the grade. In both instances, the original grade and credit would be replaced with a grade of “R.”

There may be instances where, in accordance with specific professional program accrediting guidelines, a School’s policy on repeated courses may supersede Neumann University’s policy on repeated courses. For further information, students should review their School’s repeat policy, as stated in the Program   Section of this catalog for particular academic programs, or consult with either their academic advisors or School Dean.

Exceptions to this policy require the written approval of the Provost.

Withdrawal (“W”): Students have the right to withdraw from any course of their choice in accordance with the following policy. A student who withdraws from a course for any reason, including medical, from the day after the “Drop/Add” period to five weeks prior to the last scheduled day of classes shall receive a grade of “W.” For further information, please refer to the Course Withdrawal Policy.  

Change of Grade

Faculty may determine to change a final grade after that original grade has been transcribed but only when sufficient documentation to change a grade can be presented to the Dean whose School sponsors the course in question. In order to initiate the change of grade process, the faculty member must complete an electronic Change of Grade Form, available for faculty with secure access in self-service under the faculty tab.

Requests to change final transcribed grades can only occur within one semester/term after the original final grade has been submitted to the Registrar and has been transcribedto the student’s permanent academic record. Exceptions to this time limitation require the approval of the Provost.

Academic Progress Reports

At any time during the semester, a student may have their progress monitored. Neumann University provides an early-alert reporting system, Retention Alert, that allows faculty to report cases for students who are struggling in classes. In addition, to proactively monitor student satisfactory academic progress and, thus, enhance academic advisement at Neumann University, undergraduate students may receive a Midterm Academic Progress Report toward the mid-point of every semester, which is sent by the instructor to the Registrar. The Registrar then sends copies of these Midterm Academic Progress Reports to the advisors and contacts students, via e-mail, to review their midterm academic progress through Web Advisor. Any student who is in academic jeopardy, i.e., any student whose midterm Grade Point Average is below a 2.00, or who is receiving a grade of “D”, “D+”, or “F” in a particular course, will be contacted directly by his/her academic advisor so that a plan can be devised for the successful completion of the semester.

Grade Reports

At the conclusion of each semester/term, the Office of the Registrar posts final grades to self-service, which can be accessed through the University’s web site at www.neumann.edu.

The Office of the Registrar will provide one printed copy of an individual Final Grade Report for only the current semester (not an official transcript) upon request by the student. If this copy is intended either for individual student use or for external verification/reimbursement purposes, the student will be required, in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, to provide appropriate identification and complete a Grade Verification Request Form. This form is available either at the Registrar’s Office or on the Registrar’s web page, which can be accessed at www.neumann.edu/academics/registrar/forms.asp. There is no charge for either of these types of requests.

Any student who has a “hold” placed on his/her account will not be able to view, print, or receive a copy of final grades.

The Dean’s Honor List

Full-time matriculated undergraduate students who have attained a semester GPA of 3.50 or above for either the Fall or Spring semester are eligible for the Full-Time Dean’s Honor List for that semester, provided that they have no grades lower than a C- or Incompletes (“I”).

Part-time matriculated undergraduate students are eligible for the Part-Time Dean’s Honor List if they have satisfied the following criteria:

  1. Have attained a semester GPA of 3.50 or above for either the Fall or Spring semester and have no grades lower than a C- or Incompletes (“I”).
  2. Have registered for a minimum of six credits during the semester in which the above referred semester GPA was attained.

Academic Probation/Dismissal

The academic records of all students are reviewed at the end of each semester by the Academic Probations and Dismissal Committee. The following credit/Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) scale is used to determine whether a student is in good academic standing and maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress*, is placed on probation, or is subject to academic dismissal. This progression scale is aligned with federal financial aid regulations regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress. For additional information, please refer to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards Policy  section of this catalog.

  • 3-23 credits attempted
    In order to maintain Good Academic Standing, a student who has attempted a minimum of 3 credits at Neumann University is required to earn a cumulative GPA of 1.75 or above.
    • If the student’s cumulative GPA is below 1.75, the student is either placed on or continues on academic probation and may be subject to academic dismissal.

  • 24-47 credits attempted
    In order to maintain Good Academic Standing, a student who has attempted a minimum of 24 credits at Neumann University is required to earn a cumulative GPA of 1.80 or above.
    • If the student’s cumulative GPA is below 1.80, the student is either placed on or continues on academic probation and may be subject to academic dismissal.
  • 48-59 credits attempted
    In order to maintain Good Academic Standing, a student who has attempted a minimum of 48 credits at Neumann University is required to earn a GPA of 1.90 or above.
    • If the student’s cumulative GPA is below 1.90, the student is either placed on or continues on academic probation and may be subject to academic dismissal.
  • 60 or more credits attempted
    In order to maintain Good Academic Standing, a student who has attempted a minimum of 60 credits at Neumann University is required to earn a GPA of 2.00 or above.
    • If the GPA is below 2.00, the student is either placed on or continues to be on academic probation and may be subject to academic dismissal.


Academic Recovery Plan

The academic probation program at Neumann University consists of four levels of probationary status. Once a student is placed on probation, according to the credit/GPA schedule above, the following procedures are followed:

  • Students placed on Probation 1 will be required to fully participate in the Program for Success. This program consists of weekly meetings with an Academic Coach designed to remediate the issues that caused the student to enter probation status and provide the support needed to return to Good Academic Standing.
    • Students who do not fully participate in the Program for Success, and who remain on probation at the end of the semester, risk being dismissed from the University.
  • Students placed on Probation 2 will be required to continue participation in the Program for Success. This program consists of weekly meetings with an Academic Coach designed to remediate the issues that caused the student to enter probation status and provide the support needed to return to Good Academic Standing.
    • Students who do not fully participate in the Program for Success, and who remain on probation at the end of the semester, risk being dismissed from the University.
  • Students placed on Probation 3 will be required to continue participation in the Program for Success. In addition, they will meet with the Assistant Dean for Student Success and Retention to discuss additional academic supports which may be helpful.
    • Students who do not fully participate in the Program for Success, and who remain on probation at the end of the semester, risk being dismissed from the University.
  • Students placed on Final Probation will be required to continue participation in the Program for Success. In addition, they will meet with the Assistant Dean for Student Success and Retention to discuss additional academic supports which may be helpful.
    • Students on final probation may not withdraw from courses with out the permission of their Academic School Dean. They must meet or exceed a semester GPA of 2.0 for each semester they are on final probation. Final probation may last for more than one semester, as long as the student continues to achieve a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher. If a student achieves Good Academic Standing while on Final Probation, they may not return to probationary status, they will be dismissed from the University.
      • The requirements and guidelines for Final Probation, also apply to students readmitted on appeal after being academically dismissed from the University. 


This policy applies to all undergraduate students. Attempted credits for a transfer student will only inlcude attempted credits at Neumann University. Calculation of GPA will include only grades received through Neumann University.

A student may not be entitled to all four levels of probation dependent upon his/her academic performance (semester GPA) while on the previous probation or based upon his/her satisfactory participation in the Program for Success.

For a student who has been placed on academic probation with mandated academic support, academic course load for the subsequent semester may be limited to 13 credits. 

Once a student achieves a cumulative GPA that is 2.0 or higher, he/she is removed from academic probation, however any subsequent placement on probation will begin at the next level of probationary status. The progression does not restart.

Students who have been dismissed from Neumann University for academic reasons may appeal that decision in writing via certified mail to the Provost within five working days of formal notification of the decision to dismiss. If the Provost approves the student’s appeal to be reinstated, the student is issued a Learning Contract, which stipulates the academic conditions which he/she must achieve during the next semester in order to remain at Neumann University.

Once dismissed from the University, the student will not be permitted to either register for or attend any classes at Neumann University as a non-matriculated student or to apply for readmission (see Readmission Policy   section of this catalog) for a period of at least one year from the date of the dismissal. Any application for readmission to the University is subject to the approval of the Provost.

If the student is dismissed, readmitted on appeal, and then dismissed from the University for a second time due to unsatisfactory academic performance as delineated in the student’s Learning Contract, the second academic dismissal is final and permanent. Exceptions to this policy require the written approval of the Provost.

For those students receiving financial assistance from the Department of Veterans Affairs, the University is obligated to notify the agency if any student receiving such assistance does not meet satisfactory academic progress requirements.

  * Satisfactory Academic Progress should not be confused with eligibility for admission to certain majors or integrated professional programs, since some majors and programs (e.g., Athletic Training, Business Administration, Education, or Nursing) require higher cumulative GPAs than the minimum GPA requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress that are cited above. For additional information pertaining to admission criteria to specific majors and integrated professional programs, please consult the Undergraduate Program Description  section of this catalog.


Academic Amnesty

Neumann University has implemented an Academic Amnesty policy which provides eligible students with the opportunity to reapply to the University, in spite of previous challenges to academic performance, and to recommence their course work with an adjusted cumulative Grade Point Average based upon those courses which have been retained as a result of a formal amnesty evaluation.

Academic Amnesty is available to undergraduate first-time degree candidates who were previously matriculated at the University in an academic major/program and, then, officially withdrew from the University. Any student wishing to take advantage of Neumann University’s Academic Amnesty program must wait four (4) consecutive calendar years before applying for readmission and requesting candidacy status for Academic Amnesty. As part of this readmission process, candidates for Academic Amnesty must be interviewed by the Dean of the School in which the prospective returning student intends to be re-admitted. Pending the recommendation of the Dean, the final decision to readmit a student and grant Academic Amnesty rests with the Provost. In accordance with academic policy, students who are accepted for readmission to the University must still reapply to their academic major/program. Students are also bound by the policies/requirements of the edition of the Neumann University catalog for the academic year in which they have been readmitted into a major/program. Students who have been dismissed from Neumann University or any of its degree programs, for any reason, are ineligible for Academic Amnesty.

When students are readmitted to Neumann University under this Academic Amnesty program, credits are removed for every Neumann course previously completed with a grade below a “C.” The actual grades for these courses are removed from the transcript and indicated as failed courses with ‘forgiveness’  within the academic history.  Credits earned in courses with grades of “C” or higher are retained on the student’s transcript according to the year/term in which they were completed. Once ‘forgiveness’ is indicated within the academic history, the selected courses for which academic amnesty has been granted, the student’s semester and cumulative GPAs are recalculated, as are the student’s aggregate completed and graded credits.

Once Academic Amnesty has been granted, the student is expected to successfully complete the first semester of course work after returning to Neumann University, with a semester and cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher, depending upon the minimum GPA requirements of the academic major/program for which the student has been readmitted. If these GPA criteria are not met, the student will be placed on academic probation for one semester, after which his/her academic performance will be reevaluated. Failure to achieve minimum semester and cumulative GPA requirements after a probationary semester may result in the student’s being academically dismissed from the University.

Exceptions to this policy require the written approval of the Provost.


Neumann University has partnered with the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to process transcript requests. Please click here to access the Transcript Ordering Website.

The following are transcript delivery options:

Electronic PDF:  Transcripts will be sent electronically.  Recipients will have 30 days to access the transcript.

Electronic Exchange:  Transcripts will be sent to other colleges and universities in the NSC partnership.

Mail a paper copy of your transcript through the U.S. Postal Service (please allow at least 21 business days for delivery)

Hold for pick up in our office.  Please allow 5-7 business days.  Please bring photo ID.  Additional time may also be required due to peak periods (graduation, final exams) or University closures (Christmas and Easter breaks, etc.).


Only current or former Neumann University students may order transcripts.  Parents and other third parties are not permitted to order transcripts on behalf of Neumann University students.

All financial obligations to the University must be met before a transcript will be released.


Payment is accepted by credit or debit card.  Your card will not be charged until the transcript is sent.  You will receive email confirmation of your order and may opt to receive text message status updates.

CURRENT STUDENTS:  Degrees will not appear on transcripts until 1-2 weeks after graduation.

Academic Honesty

One of the values Neumann has chosen to give special emphasis to, as described by the RISES core values, is integrity. The Neumann community strives to continually speak the truth on love, acts fairly, honestly and ethically at all times. Honesty with self and others is an essential condition of Christian Humanism.  An environment which is characterized by honesty is necessary if the following broad objectives of the University are to flourish.

  • To place the quest for truth as the highest value.
  • To encourage a cultured response to the aesthetic treasures of the past, present, and the promise of the future.
  • To sharpen social awareness and responsibilities to the needs of others.
  • To provide a solid foundation for graduate and post graduate study.
  • To prepare for intelligent, competent, dedicated service to the professions.

Honesty is expected in all aspects of living.  It is, however, neither possible nor desirable for others to monitor honesty in all of its dimensions. This activity is the primary task of the individual for personal benefit to fellow human beings - all made in the image of their Creator. There are, however, specific acts of dishonesty, defined and enumerated below, which Neumann University has identified as academic infractions which are subject to specific sanctions.

Acts of Academic Dishonesty


Plagiarism is defined as using, in a written or oral assignment or project, the ideas or words of another without acknowledging the source.

Most commonly, plagiarism occurs when a student:

  1. Repeats without quotes an idea using the words of the author.
  2. Paraphrases an author’s idea without indicating the source.
  3. Presents the line of thought of an author as if it were his/her own.
  4. Copies, or cuts and pastes, the sentences, structure or design of another’s work without proper attribution
  5. Using electronic resources, such as a translator device, instead of original expression to compose a paper.

Safeguards against intentional or unintentional plagiarism are accurate note-taking in research and honesty in acknowledging the source of materials which are incorporated into an assignment or project.


Cheating is defined as:

  1. The copying of tests, lab reports, assignments, term papers, projects, and the like.
  2. Presenting another person’s work or purchased work as one’s own.
  3. Stealing, using, or transmitting, verbally or otherwise, actual tests or test questions.
  4. Collaborating during testing, or in an unauthorized manner for a class assignment.
  5. Using notes or unapproved electronic technology during testing.
  6. Submitting the same work or essentially the same work for assignments in different classes without approval from the instructor.
  7. Dry-labbing which includes:
    1. obtaining and using experimental data from other students or sources without the instructor’s permission;
    2. fabricating data to fit the expected results; and/or
    3. utilizing data from other sections or previous terms of the course.

Misrepresentation of Fact

Misrepresentation of fact is defined as:

  1. Fabricating records.
  2. Changing grades.
  3. Misrepresenting course descriptions for credit.
  4. Furnishing false information for records.
  5. Misrepresenting one’s fulfillment of a course assignment.
  6. Misrepresentation or fabrication of research data for any purpose.

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty

Facilitating academic dishonesty is defined as assisting another individual in any act of plagiarism or any other act of academic dishonesty. 

Sanctions for Academic Dishonesty

The Office of the Provost monitors all instances of academic dishonesty throughout the University. Faculty members’ responsibilities are described below.

Dishonest actions in any student learning practicum, rotation, or cooperative education experience will result in disciplinary actions. The nature of the infraction as well as the number of occurrences will determine the course of action. For example, a minor infraction may result in failure of an assignment, while a major infraction may result in dismissal.

All documented acts of academic dishonesty are cumulative and will carryover from one course to another and from one academic year to the next.

For Undergraduate Students:

  1. Faculty members are required to respond to acts of academic dishonesty in the following manner:
    1. For the First Infraction, the faculty member should:
      1. Meet with the student to discuss the degree of his/her culpability.
      2. Make a determination for the resolution of the specific situation, e.g., rewrites of the paper, lower grade of the paper, failure for the paper, etc.
      3. Document the situation and its resolution.
      4. Have the student sign and date the document and its resolution.
      5. Send original documentation to the Provost, and retain a copy.
    2. For the Second Infraction, the faculty member should:
      1. Fail the student for the course.
      2. Document the situation and its resolution.
      3. Have the student sign and date the document.
      4. Send original documentation to the Provost, and retain a copy.
    3. For the Second Infraction in a different course than the first infraction, the faculty member should follow the steps for the first infraction.    

      If the student does not cooperate with any step of this policy, i.e., refuses to meet with the faculty member [I.A.1] or to sign the document [I.A.4 & I.B.3], the student will be required to meet with the Provost and the faculty member. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the University. Nursing Majors are also governed by the Nursing Code of Ethics. Violations of academic dishonesty may result in dismissal from the Nursing Program. See additional detail in the section on Nursing Program Policies.
  2. The third documented act of academic dishonesty, accumulated over a student’s entire time at Neumann University, will result in immediate expulsion from Neumann University.


For each incidence of Academic Dishonesty, the instructor will document what has occurred.  Documentation will be in the form of a formal letter (not an e-mail) which will be presented to the student, signed by the instructor and, if the student feels that the letter accurately describes the occurrence and agrees with the finding, signed by the student. This letter must include:

a. A detailed account of the act of academic dishonesty (date, time, type of assignment, name of student, name of instructor, etc.)
b. Citation of relevant policy and section of policy which addresses the particular act of academic dishonesty.
c.  Signature of instructor and student if applicable.
d. Carbon Copy (cc) to Dean, Program Director (when applicable), and Provost.


Undergraduate Student Academic Grievance Procedure

Each student at Neumann University is accorded all the rights and privileges as set forth in the University’s Undergraduate Catalog and the Student Handbook. It is the responsibility of each student to familiarize himself/herself with all of the academic policies, procedures, and protocols which pertain to the student’s academic life at the University. Academic grievances can only be initiated either during the semester in which the alleged grievance occurred or the semester immediately afterwards. Beyond this time frame, no academic grievance will be permitted. An exception to this time limitation requires the approval of the Provost.

Should a difficulty occur with regard to the application/implementation of academic policy, a question of instructional delivery (but not the determination of a final grade), or an issue with a specific faculty member, the student should seek to resolve the problem with the specific person involved. If no satisfactory resolution occurs at that level, the student should then contact the appropriate School Dean and petition his/her intervention in an attempt to resolve the issue.

If, after appropriate dialogue and pursuit of a resolution through these designated channels of communication, the particular problem is still not resolved, the student may initiate an Academic Grievance by utilizing the following procedures.

  1. The student submits a statement of the difficulty to the Provost and requests that the issue be resolved through the Student Academic Grievance Procedure. This statement should be no longer than two pages and should concentrate on the facts of the issue in question.
  2. The Provost reviews the facts, communicates with the person(s) involved, and attempts to resolve the difficulty in question without convening the Academic Grievance Review Board.
  3. If the Provost is convinced that the issue cannot be resolved through the designated channels of communication, the Provost convenes an impartial Academic Grievance Review Board, which consists of the Registrar (Chair), one administrator, two faculty members, and two students (one of whom is chosen by the faculty/or member being grieved and the other to be selected by the student who is grieving). The Board’s sole task is to review the facts of the grievance, arrive at appropriate recommendation(s) for resolving the grievance, and communicate recommendation(s) to the Provost for final disposition of the issue. The decision of the Provost is final and binding on all parties.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), Neumann University requires that every student who chooses to have the University release copies of grades, transcripts, or any other information relative to academic performance to either parents, guardians, bill-payers, prospective employers, or governmental agencies, must authorize the University to do so.

Therefore, all requests either to secure or release these types of information must be accompanied by a written authorization which has been signed by the student. Without such authorization, the University will not release such information. This policy extends and applies to parents who request access and disclosure of their child’s educational records. A student’s record will never be released without written consent, except to Neumann University faculty and staff who have demonstrated a clear need to know. Other exceptions to the above policy include compliance with a judicial order or an emergency involving the health or safety of a student or other person.

As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education’s FERPA regulations expanded the circumstances under which student education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records - including student Social Security Number, grades, or other private information - may be accessed without student consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities (“Federal and State Authorities”) may allow access to student records and PII without student consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is “principally engaged in the provision of education,” such as early childhood education and job training, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. Second, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to student education records and PII without student consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when we object to or do not request such research. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive student PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities. In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without student consent PII from student education records, and they may track student participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information about students that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service, and migrant student records systems.
If any conflict exists between this notice and the remainder of this policy, this notice prevails.

In addition, Neumann University hereby designates the following categories of student information as public or “Directory Information.” Unless specifically requested by the student within 10 days of the beginning of each semester to withhold disclosure of this information, such information may be disclosed by the institution for any purpose, at its discretion.

Category I: Name, dates of attendance, classification, major/degree program.
Category II: Previous institution(s) attended, awards, honors, degree(s) conferred, including dates.
Category III: Past and present participation in officially recognized activities.


Category IV: In addition to the above three categories, information of alumni, even if information from when a student, will be used and published by Neumann University’s Office of Institutional Advancement and University Relations including: date of birth, place of birth, athletic activities, class year, personal e-mail address, personal phone number, personal address, employer name, job title, work address, work phone number, work e-mail address, occupation, cell phone number, spouse’s name, spouse’s occupation, children’s names, any additional schools attended, and any degrees or professional certifications. Alumni will be notified when periodic directories will be published and will be given the opportunity to request that their information not be released.

Currently enrolled students, or any who have previously attended Neumann University, may inspect their academic records by making an official request in writing to the Registrar and obtaining an appointment to do so. A student may challenge possible inaccuracies or misleading items in his/her record during the course of such an inspection. However, the fairness of a grade may not be challenged under this provision. Students also have the right to file a complaint with the United States Department of Education over alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

Students are notified each year of their rights under FERPA through the annual editions of the University’s Undergraduate Catalog and Graduate Catalog, as well as through the Office of the Registrar’s web page at www.neumann.edu/academics/registrar.asp. Further information regarding the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office.

Public Relations Photograph Policy

Neumann University reserves the right to use any photograph taken on University property or at a University-sponsored event without the expressed written permission of those contained within the photograph. This photograph may be used in publications, on the University’s web site, or in video material produced, used, or contracted by Neumann University for an unspecified amount of time, including but not limited to: viewbooks, catalogs, handbooks, flyers, newspapers, magazines, television promotions, and videos.

Any student desiring not to have his/her photo taken or distributed must contact the Public Relations Office in writing of his/her intention and provide the Office with a recent photograph. This photograph is held in confidentiality by the Public Relations Office and used only to eliminate said person from photographs when selecting pictures for inclusion in University publications.

University Closings or Delayed Openings

Announcements pertaining to unscheduled University closings or delayed openings are sent to the community using the Neumann emergency alert system and posted on the University’s web site at www.neumann.edu. Procedures for communications related to schedule changes for specific programs or courses are to be arranged by faculty and students.