Sep 20, 2024  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog Archived Catalog

Special Programs

Since the early 1970s, Neumann University has been recognized as a leader in the field of higher education and is highly regarded for the excellence of its educational programs and the success of its graduates. This tradition of educational outreach is implicit in Neumann University’s Mission Statement, which recognizes the University’s responsibility to offer educational programs which anticipate and respond to the changing needs of society.

Division of Continuing Adult and Professional Studies

Neumann University is an approved program sponsor for the State Boards of Accountancy in Pennsylvania and New Jersey; and is an Accredited Continuing Legal Education Provider that is approved by both the Pennsylvania and Delaware Continuing Legal Education Boards. The University is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education as an Act 48 provider.

The Division of Continuing Adult and Professional Studies also sponsors the following special programs:

  • The Post-Baccalaureate Coaching Program
  • The Intelligence Studies Certificate Program

Post-Baccalaureate Coaching Program

The Post-Baccalaureate Coaching Program, offered through a partnership between Neumann University and the Habit Change Company, provides unique professional coaching courses which are designed to train and support individuals in helping people and organizations make powerful positive changes and achieve their maximum potential. Professional coaches have found successful careers with corporate employees, career-changers, hospital patients, and many other individuals and groups from varied disciplines. The most successful coaches offer an effective blend of academic depth, professional experiences, and appropriate credentials, including academic degrees and demonstrated key competencies like self-awareness, compassion, responsiveness, and flexibility to client needs. Effective coaches are also self-directed life-long learners who continually seek knowledge to grow personally and professionally.

Program Outcomes

Each of the following courses gives the student new and applicable skills to apply in his/her own life and with coaching clients. Each Habit Change Coach course utilizes a values-based approach to coaching, along with experientially based teaching and learning models that are consistent with programs for adult learners at Neumann University.


Students who have successfully completed Habit Change Coach I, Habit Change Coach II (a.k.a. MindBodySpirit Coach), and Coach Residency and who have received the required supervision and mentor coaching will be eligible to apply for ICF credentialing.

Prerequisites for Coach Residency: Completion of a Foundational ICF Coach Training Program* (30 hours’ training minimum) and having coached at least eight clients over a minimum of six months.

* Completion of a non-ICF approved coach training program will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will depend on its adherence to comparable training standards.

Admission Criteria

  • Participants must hold a minimum of a baccalaureate degree.

Required Courses

COACH 526 Habit Change Coach I

This course is focused on the student’s personal development as he/she learns how to coach. This class concludes with an oral and written mini-exam. Components of the class include mindfulness and eight integrated habit areas, including personal life planning, personal values, defining coaching, personal ethics, overcoming psychological barriers, self-management, and branding the individual as a coach. Upon completion of this course, students are able to confidently coach clients and begin a part-time or full-time career in coaching.

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of COACH 526, the student will be able to demonstrate skills in coaching, including the ability to:

  • Define and distinguish Coaching as a profession, from other helping professions.
  • Create the coach-client alliance.
  • Use mindfulness to effectively raise awareness across eight life practices.
  • Explore personal thoughts, beliefs, and values and how they affect coaching.
  • Act according to guiding ethical principles, including individual, community, and global responsibility.
  • Apply a spiritually based approach to serve others.
  • Use effective listening skills to deepen client awareness.
  • Facilitate learning for results, and help clients break through change barriers.
  • Use supportive methods of holding clients accountable for making change.
  • Access and use intuition to maximize client experience.
  • Implement key skills used in coaching and use positive psychology techniques in coaching.

COACH 527 Habit Change Coach II

This second course furthers the student coach’s skills in coaching competencies, while training the student in Habit Change coaching. Students go through a proprietary process of assessing emotional, physical, and spiritual health across eight integrated life practice areas: resilience, nutrition, exercise, spirituality, learning, friendship, sleep, and simplicity. Students develop a personalized Life Plan for themselves, while learning to use this model with clients. This assessment is the same process used by the Habit Change Company to help clients internationally create and sustain behavior change to maximize personal health and wellness. Prerequisite: Successful completion of COACH 526, Habit Change Coach I, or completion of an ICF approved foundational coach training program that has included the coaching of at least eight different clients over a minimum of six months. Non-ICF approved training programs may be accepted if they meet comparable training standards.

Course Outcomes

By the end of COACH 527, the student will have completed an additional 42 hours of coach training and be able to:

  • Develop a personal Life Plan and learn how to use that Plan with clients.
  • Learn how to incorporate the Small Step™ process in life planning.
  • Reflect honestly and deeply at his/her life across the following life practices: resilience, nutrition, exercise, spirituality, learning, friendship, sleep, and simplicity.
  • Assist clients use mindfulness as a way to increase their awareness.
  • Learn how to use coaching as an adjunct professional service to help clients manage various health issues.

COACH 528 Coach Residency

Coach Residency is designed to further the coach’s development and support coaches in their effort to make a global impact. During this residency, coaches will coach in an organization, receive group supervision, engage in case presentations, and volunteer five hours at a local ICF chapter. Students read and discuss articles on current events that impact coaching best practices. This residency provides students with 42 hours of coach training which can count towards coach certification. Students who have successfully completed COACH 526, Habit Change Coach I, COACH 527, Habit Change Coach II (a.k.a. MindBodySpirit Coach), and COACH 528, Coach Residency, and who have received the required supervision and mentor coaching will be eligible to apply for ICF credentialing. Prerequisites for Coach Residency: Completion of a Foundational ICF Coach Training Program* (30 hours’ training minimum) and coached at least eight clients over a minimum of six months.

* Completion of a non-ICF approved coach training program will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will depend on its adherence to comparable training standards.

Course Outcomes

By the conclusion of COACH 528, the student will be able to:

  • Strengthen and refine his/her identity as a coach.
  • Expand knowledge and awareness in issues relevant for coaches.
  • Share and receive ideas and best practices from other professional coaches.
  • Receive and give direct feedback on real coaching challenges.
  • Create and deliver a workshop designed to showcase his/her coaching practice.
  • Use evidence-based coaching to enhance coaching effectiveness.
  • Meet other local professional coaches.
  • Develop or expand a mindfulness practice.

In addition, by the end of this Coach Residency course, the student will also be able to:

  • Complete a coaching residency at a local organization.
  • Complete 42 hours of coach training toward the 125 hours required by the ICF.
  • Contribute and discuss case presentations on coaching.
  • Review and discuss current event articles relevant to coaching.
  • Learn how to navigate “sticky situations” in coaching.
  • Receive support in further developing their coaching business.

Intelligence Studies Certificate Program

The Intelligence Studies Certificate Program is a series of online courses which offers an in-depth examination of topics, such as terrorism, intelligence analysis, organized crime, money laundering, drug smuggling, and human trafficking. The program, which can be completed within 18 months, prepares adult learners for positions that involve problem solving and analytical thinking in private industry, intelligence analysis, national security, and law enforcement agencies. Through interactive discussions, case studies, group work, and hands-on review of sample data, participants in this program review large amounts of information, which, in turn, can be collated into meaningful groups, evaluated for accuracy and reliability, and analyzed. Techniques include logic, probability, association matrices, flow charts, link analysis, and other analytical tools.

The Intelligence Studies Certificate Program is modeled after courses taught at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and used by agencies such as the FBI, DEA, and Homeland Security. This program is designed for law enforcement officers, intelligence analysts, private security, public safety personnel, career changers, and for anyone who makes informed decisions and formulates responses to security issues. Students who successfully complete the program are prepared for variety of positions in such areas as national security, law enforcement agencies, banking, corporations, non-profit agencies, and employers that utilize related problem-solving applications to operate effectively.

Program Outcomes

Upon completion of the Intelligence Studies Certificate Program, students will be able to:

  • Think critically and logically, as such processes relate to their profession.
  • Process large amounts of information into meaningful hypothesis, inference, conclusion, or prediction.
  • Gain the knowledge and skills needed to qualify for intelligence analyst positions.

Required Courses

A certificate in Intelligence Studies is awarded, by the Division of Continuing and Adult Professional Studies, upon the successful completion of the following six (6) required 3-credit courses. Descriptions of these courses can be found in the Course Descriptions  section of this catalog.

Neumann University also coordinates and/or hosts all-day conferences of public discourse on crucial issues which face society or are of interest and importance to either local residents or segments of local communities. These conferences and forums are structured to serve the needs of the target audience and need not coincide with the University’s academic calendar.

For further information on these and other programs, contact the Division of Continuing Adult and Professional Studies at 610-558-5629 or 610-358-4580.

The Neumann University Institute for Sport, Spirituality, and Character Development

The Neumann University Institute for Sport, Spirituality, and Character Development believes that sport possesses an inescapable spiritual and ethical dimension that merits academic attention. Through research and practice, the Institute offers opportunities for reflection and dialogue on the power of good that is inherent in sport. Spirituality, as interpreted by the Institute, emphasizes living out the Gospel values in a manner that enriches one’s relationship with self, others, and God as well as promotes an awareness of the need to go beyond self in the service to others.

Mission and Vision

The Institute engages in research, teaching, and outreach that are designed to identify and implement practical strategies for optimizing the character-building, inspirational potential of sport. Sports are a microcosmic reflection of our culture and the moral challenges which we confront on a daily basis. The Institute focuses on the interrelationship of sport to spirituality and character development and is committed to engaging the Neumann University community, schools, and other organizations in conversation with the goal of fostering a deeper awareness of God’s presence in all parts of our lives, including sport. A few examples of the opportunities in which the Institute engages are:

  • Using storytelling as an effective educative and relationship-building tool;
  • Teaching the connection between spirituality and character development through the lens of sports;
  • Training faculty and staff to serve as team chaplains on each of the Neumann University varsity teams;
  • Discussing and highlighting the lessons that are learned from losing, injury, or mistakes;
  • Increasing awareness of the moments in sports which help us to know God’s presence;
  • Conducting, analyzing, and publishing research on topics such as mission integration in athletics, promoting spiritual growth and character development of student athletes, and developing sport chaplaincy programs; and
  • Learning Gospel values through sports, including community, hospitality, and care for the least among us.

Why at Neumann University?

Neumann University is uniquely suited to sponsor the Institute for Sport, Spirituality, and Character Development because of both its Mission and Vision statements that are grounded in the Catholic Franciscan tradition and its academic and athletic programs. The Institute is located in The Mirenda Center for Sport, Spirituality, and Character Development. Opened in the Fall of 2009, The Mirenda Center encourages learning, community, reflection, and prayer by providing an educational environment which both focuses on the whole person and interweaves athletics with academic, social, and spiritual development. This new state-of-the-art athletic facility affords the Institute the opportunity to also develop exhibits that offer a unique perspective on sports that is seldom explored. For example, the staff of the Institute has created an exhibit which is the centerpiece of The Center’s main lobby. In the lobby, five pillars feature the Catholic Franciscan spiritual and athletic themes of play, beauty, balance, respect, and reflection. This exhibit also provides the unique opportunity to empower members of the athletic and academic communities to move forward on their spiritual journeys with a sense of awareness, appreciation, and wholeness that is often lacking in sports.

As a Catholic educational institution in the Franciscan tradition, Neumann University lives the values of the Franciscan charism by teaching love/respect for all creation. This value easily and seamlessly connects with the notion of sportsmanship in athletics. Sportsmanship is concerned with fair play and the dignity with which we strive to treat opponents. Another Franciscan quality is seeing a spark of the divine in each creature, thus reverencing each piece of creation. The Institute teaches a reverence for all aspects of sport, from opponents to officials, coaches, and players. The University’s numerous athletic programs integrate these elements of spirituality and character development as part of the competitive spirit.

Anyone who is interested in either competitive sport or enjoying sport as a spectator will find the Institute’s programs to be beneficial. For further information, please contact the Institute for Sport, Spirituality, and Character Development at 484-840-4707 or visit the Institute’s web site at

The Neumann Institute for Franciscan Studies

History and Purpose

The Neumann Institute for Franciscan Studies was founded on August 26, 1998 for the purpose of advancing the Catholic and Franciscan Intellectual Tradition and contributing to the identity of Neumann University as a Catholic university in the Franciscan tradition.

The Institute fosters collaboration and integration of the Franciscan values and tradition within Catholic higher education and, hence, affords opportunities for faculty to design and expand professional and interdisciplinary programs within a Franciscan ethic. The Institute also provides a forum and resources for contemplation, dialogue, study, and learning in the Franciscan tradition.

Mission Statement

The Neumann Institute for Franciscan Studies exists to strengthen the vision and charism of Francis and Clare of Assisi within a context of contemporary experiences in higher education. The Institute serves the scholarly and spiritual needs of the Neumann University community through a variety of sponsored seminars, lecture series, and other educational activities.

The Institute also provides ongoing dialogue about the Franciscan charism and values as they apply to the intellectual, affective, and ethical development of the Neumann University community.

In addition, the Neumann Institute for Franciscan Studies promotes the integration of the Catholic Franciscan tradition into the curriculum and supports course development by providing resources and research assistance.

Transitional Education Program

Neumann University’s Transitional Education Program is designed for those students who, according to their academic profiles and University-administered placements tests, are identified as being in need of at least one developmental course. The goal of this program is to provide students with a sound academic base in writing, reading, and/or mathematics that is necessary to succeed in college-level courses.

Developmental Education

In order to help assure each student’s academic success, Neumann University offers the following Developmental Education courses: ENG 094 Successful Writing , and MATH 092 Developmental Algebra .

Upon acceptance to the University, each student is informed as to which placement tests he/she will be required to take before registering for classes. This determination is based upon the student’s SAT scores, high school record, transfer credits (if applicable), and the program requirements for each academic major. Those whose scores indicate the need for remediation are assigned to one or both of the developmental courses cited above. Students who have taken steps to remediate academic deficiencies after taking the placement test may petition to retake the placement test prior to the commencement of classes. Students are then placed according to the results of the re-test. Full-time students must be enrolled in their required developmental classes during their first semester at Neumann.

Students in developmental classes are ordinarily given two semesters (usually Fall and Spring) to remediate their deficiencies. To facilitate academic success, students enrolled in developmental classes have their schedules restricted in terms of courses and total credit hours. Consequently, students enrolled in developmental education courses might be advised to register for additional summer course work, or that they might require more than eight semesters to complete their degree requirements.

ENG 094 , and MATH 092  can only be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. Although courses below the 100-level do not count as credit toward the degree, they do count as credit for purposes of determining financial aid eligibility and do affect the student’s GPA. Since these courses are taken on a Pass/Fail basis, the student’s GPA is affected only when a grade of Failure (“F”) is earned. For further information, please refer to the Academic Resource Center  and Placement Testing  sections in this catalog.

MATH 092 Developmental Algebra , should be followed by the required college-level Mathematics Core course to provide continuity in the study of mathematics. ENG 094 Successful Writing , should be followed by ENG 101 Rhetoric and Writing I .

PACE Program

The PACE (Program for Academic Competence and Enrichment) Program, introduced in 1980, is an academic program for students who are placed in more than one developmental course. This program provides the additional support that is needed to succeed in college: enrollment in the required developmental courses, individually designed class schedules, special academic advising, and referral to the John C. Ford Academic Resource Center (ARC) for tutoring. PACE students participate in learning communities as well as supplemental instruction opportunities. Since credits for developmental courses are not applicable to any degree program at the University, students accepted into the PACE program may need more than eight (8) semesters of study to graduate.

Summer PACE Program

The Summer PACE Program, begun in 2004, provides extensive academic support prior to the beginning of the Fall semester. This program is a series of seminars and workshops that are designed to integrate developmental course work and build a foundation of academic skills that are needed to make the transition to college more successful. Students invited to participate in Summer PACE must attend and pass all Summer PACE classes and workshops as a condition of acceptance to Neumann University in the Fall semester. Upon completion of Summer PACE, students are enrolled in the PACE Program.

In keeping with its Mission to educate a diverse population of students in a scholarly, supportive, and caring environment, Neumann University is proud to offer Summer PACE as an educationally innovative option for students who might not otherwise have the opportunity to pursue a college career. Neumann University is proud, too, of the many graduates who began their journey in the PACE Program and have graduated to pursue their chosen career paths.

Honors Program

The Neumann University Honors Program is based upon the belief that students who have demonstrated the motivation for learning, a desire to excel, and the capability for leadership should be given the opportunity to develop these abilities. The Honors Program is a two-tiered program consisting of a Freshman Honors Program and a University Honors Program for sophomores, juniors and seniors. Students who complete the University Honors Program receive a Certificate of Completion and medallion at the Academic Awards Convocation, and recognition in the Commencement Program.

Program Outcomes

The student who successfully completes the University Honors Program will be able to:

  •  Express integrated views of the world.
  • Evaluate information and ideas by exercising informed judgment.
  • Discover, select and report information using an active learning approach.
  • Apply critical thinking skills to the formulation or evaluation of an idea or thesis.
  • Compose a well-supported thesis that demonstrates a growing level of scholarship.
  • Facilitate a group discussion, presentation or activity in a curricular or extracurricular setting.
  • Report the findings of a research paper in a professional manner.

Admission Criteria

Candidates for admission to the Freshman Honors Program:

  • Provide evidence of potential for strong extracurricular, community, and leadership activities.
  • Achieve a minimum high school GPA of 3.50.
  • Achieve a minimum SAT score of 1050 (out of 1600 Math and Critical Reading).
  • Have earned fewer than 24 earned credits of college courses.

Students whose high school GPA or SAT scores fall below the above levels may be admitted on a probationary basis at the discretion of the coordinator.

Candidates for admission to the University Honors Program:

  •  Have a GPA of 3.50 or above.
  • Have earned 24 or more credits of college courses.
  • Complete an application to the program.
  • Participate in an interview with the Coordinator of the Honors Program or other member of the Honors Committee.

Progression/Completion Criteria

Progression in the Freshman Honors Program requires students to maintain a 3.00 GPA in the Freshman Honors courses.

Progression in the University Honors Program leading to completion requires students to:

  •  Maintain a 3.50 GPA in the Honors multidisciplinary seminars.
  • Complete 12 credits of University Honors courses (sophomore-level and above).
  • Participate in an exit interview with the Coordinator of the Honors Program.

Program Design

Freshman Honors

Fall: 7 Credits

Spring: 6 Credits

  • Freshman Honors Multidisciplinary Seminar 6 Credits *

* These courses fulfill part of the University’s Core Curriculum Requirements for all undergraduate degree programs. (Please refer to the Core Curriculum  section of this catalog.)

† Students who successfully complete all required course work for the Fall semester of the Freshman Honors Program are exempted from taking ENG 101 Rhetoric and Writing I , but will be expected to satisfy the credits assigned to that course through additional course work.

University Honors (Sophomore, Junior, and Senior)

12 Credits from the following:

Pre-Professional Educational Options

Neumann University offers several pre-professional educational opportunities for those students who are interested in pursuing careers in law, pharmacy, or medicine. These educational options as well as curricular information are presented below. Academic advisement is available, through the Division of Arts and Sciences, to provide counseling and guidance as well as to review the application process to these professional schools.

Accelerated Pre-Pharmacy Articulation Agreement with Duquesne University

Neumann University and Duquesne University have developed a cooperative program of study leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree. This six-year doctorate program begins with the Pre-Pharmacy Early-Entry Program at Neumann University. At Neumann, academically qualified students who have been accepted into this program begin two years of pre-pharmacy course work before transferring to the Duquesne University Mylan School of Pharmacy. Students must be accepted into the Neumann University Early-Entry Program as freshmen and must complete the first two years of their undergraduate work at Neumann University. Because of Neumann University’s special affiliation with Duquesne University, students who successfully complete the two-year program at Neumann are given preferential consideration for admission to the professional phase of the Doctor of Pharmacy Program at Duquesne University. If not accepted, students may elect to complete an undergraduate degree at Neumann University in Biology, Liberal Arts, or Liberal Studies over the course of two more years of study.

Requirements for Admission into Neumann University’s Pre-Pharmacy Early-Entry Program

Candidates for admission to the Pre-Pharmacy Early-Entry Program are required to:

  • Have an SAT total of 1050 (out of 1600 Math and Critical Reading total) or higher; or have an ACT composite total of 23 or higher.
  • Earn a GPA of 3.00 or higher on a 4.00 scale.
  • Achieve a class rank in the top 25% of the graduating high school class.
  • Demonstrate a strong background in University preparatory courses, especially mathematics.
  • Submit a résumé demonstrating evidence of leadership potential, community service, and co-curricular activities.
  • Provide one letter of recommendation from either a high school teacher or guidance counselor.
  • Complete and sign a Release Statement (page 4 of 4 of the online Application that must, then, be either mailed or faxed to the Admissions Office).

Admissions Process for Professional Phase at Duquesne University

Students should apply to Duquesne University by the January 15th yearly deadline during their sophomore year at Neumann University. All applicants will be placed into a pool of Neumann University applicants from which students will be chosen. Once offered acceptance, students will have two weeks to send their enrollment deposit to Duquesne University in order to reserve their space in the program. If the deadline passes without a deposit, the prospective student’s space will be given to another student, and they will be placed at the bottom of the applicant wait list.

Duquesne University Mylan School of Pharmacy Admission Requirements

Duquesne University will admit up to four Neumann students, in each academic year, who meet the criteria listed below. At Duquesne University’s discretion, more than four students may be admitted in any given year. Candidates for admission to Duquesne University Mylan School of Pharmacy are required to:

  • Complete the two-year undergraduate Pre-Pharmacy curriculum at Neumann University, including specified Core Curriculum requirements.
  • Earn a minimum grade of “C” in all Neumann University undergraduate courses.
  • Achieve a GPA of 2.50 or higher for all science and mathematics courses that are taken at Neumann University.
  • Achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher in the Pre-Pharmacy Early-Entry Program.
  • Receive a letter of recommendation from the Neumann University Pre-Pharmacy Selection Committee.
  • Provide evidence of leadership potential and commitment to the pharmacy profession.

Pre-Pharmacy Early Entry Program

Suggested Two-Year Curriculum



Spring: 17 Credits


* Students need to have an appropriate mathematics background in order to be placed in MATH 250  , Calculus I; this background can be demonstrated by passing a waiver exam for MATH 110  , Precalculus, during their first semester. They also need to pass a Placement Examination in Statistics or take MATH 102  (Introductory Statistics) during the summer following their freshman year at Neumann University in order to meet the prerequisites for PSYCH 202  (Behavioral Science Statistics). 

Pre-Law School Information

Pre-Law School Information at Neumann University has been developed in accordance with standards established by the Association of American Law Schools, which recommends that prospective law students have a comprehensive liberal arts background. In accordance with these recommendations, Neumann University has created a sequence of courses which represents a sound preparation for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and the study of law.

The University’s Pre-Law Curriculum has been carefully designed to provide fundamental information about human institutions and the values to which they subscribe. Students develop strong oral and written communication skills as well as the ability to think creatively, analytically, and critically with thoroughness, accuracy, and independence.

Any student who intends to pursue this program may choose from a variety of academic majors, such as Criminal Justice, English, Political Science, or Psychology. Students wishing to include a Pre-Law focus with their declared academic major must consult with the faculty member coordinating the program for advice on course selection and information pertaining to the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). In order for students who are following the Pre-Law Curriculum to receive a baccalaureate degree and secure letters of recommendation to law school, they must successfully fulfill all general and specific degree requirements of Neumann University as well as the specific requirements of their chosen academic major.

The courses listed below constitute Neumann University’s recommended Pre-Law Curriculum.

Pre-Medical School Information

Students who are interested in medical careers meet as a group with the Pre-Medical Advisor during their freshman and sophomore years. Formal professional advising, however, does not begin until the second semester of the sophomore year and only after the student has applied for the advising process and is interviewed and selected by the members of the Pre-Medical and Pre-Professional Advisory Council of the Division of Arts and Sciences. To be interviewed, students must have demonstrated satisfactory academic progress in their chosen major with a science cumulative GPA of 3.20 and no grade less than a “C.” Students who have been selected by the Advisory Council work with the Pre-Medical Advisor to begin the application process.

Medical schools seek broadly educated applicants who have a solid foundation in the natural sciences, strong communication and analytical skills, and experience in the health professions in the forms of employment, volunteer work, and /or internships.

While a specific academic major is not a requirement for admission to medical school, there are certain basic science and mathematics courses which must be completed before beginning the application process. At Neumann, these courses include General Biology (BIO 107 /117  and BIO 108 /118 ), General Chemistry (CHEM 107 /117  and CHEM 108 /118 ), Organic Chemistry (CHEM 211 /221  and CHEM 212 /222 ), Physics (PHY 107 /117  and PHY 108 /118 ), and either Applied Calculus (MATH 225 ) or Calculus I (MATH 250 ). Medical schools also require at least two semesters of English courses that emphasize clear comprehension and analytical and communication skills.

A group of standardized tests is generally taken in the spring semester of the junior year for entrance into medical, veterinary, dental, or other graduate programs. Most medical schools require the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). Veterinary medical schools generally require either the Veterinary College Admission Test (VCAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Dental schools require the Dental Admission Test (DAT). Students normally take the appropriate examinations(s) after having completed their basic science courses and, often, a test review course as well.

Additional information pertaining to requirements and recommendations of specific medical schools can be found in Medical School Admission Requirements, published by the Association of American Medical Colleges, 2450 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037.

Chiropractic and Podiatric Medical School Articulation Agreements

For students considering a career in either chiropractic or podiatric medicine, Neumann University has established educational partnerships with both the New York Chiropractic College in Seneca Falls, NY, and the New York College of Podiatric Medicine in New York, NY. Based upon mutual respect for the integrity of parallel academic programs, these “3 + 1” Articulation Agreements have been designed for qualified Neumann students. Upon successful completion of a stipulated curriculum and satisfactory completion of specified entrance requirements, such students are automatically admitted to the degree programs of either of these medical schools.

Students who have been accepted at Neumann and who have declared their intent to continue their studies at either the New York Chiropractic College or the New York College of Podiatric Medicine take three years of prescribed courses at Neumann which lead to a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Biological Science. These three years of study satisfy all prerequisite course work and enable the student to enter his/her first year as a medical student at either medical institution. This first year of study at either the New York Chiropractic College or the New York College of Podiatric Medicine satisfies senior year requirements at Neumann, and the baccalaureate degree would be conferred, upon successful completion of all first-year courses at either medical college. For further information, please contact the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid.

For additional information regarding any of the above Pre-Professional Educational Options, please contact the Division of Arts and Sciences at 610-558-5509.

Military Science (U.S. Army and Air Force ROTC) Cross-Enrollment Programs

The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) is a college-based, officer commissioning program that focuses on leadership development, problem solving, strategic planning, and professional ethics. In this program, participants learn valuable leadership and management skills that are essential in today’s demanding economic and job environment. Additionally, ROTC programs improve a graduate’s marketability and opportunity to advance in any career field.

Students at Neumann University are eligible to participate in either the United States Army or Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) through a cross-enrollment program agreement with Widener University (Army) and St. Joseph’s University (Air Force). Credits for these courses are accepted as General Elective credits at Neumann. ROTC offers men and women the opportunity to graduate with a college degree and a commission as a second lieutenant in either the United States Army or Air Force, Army National Guard, or the United States Army Reserve.

ROTC offers a variety of on-campus tuition scholarships, financial assistance for books, and monthly stipends. Applications for on-campus scholarships must be submitted by March 1st and are available from the Office of Admissions at Neumann University. For additional information pertaining to ROTC scholarships and military science courses, call the ROTC Department at either Widener University at 610-499-4098 or St. Joseph’s University at 610-660-3190. For more information about this program, call the Office of Admissions at Neumann University at 610-558-5616.

Other Instructional Sites/Locations

Neumann University offers various programs at other instructional sites and locations. For information, call the appropriate Division or department.