General Information
The academic program at Neumann University is composed of a core curriculum (required of all students), a major area of study (chosen by each student), and a wide range of general elective offerings.
Students pursuing an academic major may also choose a minor area of study as well. Academic minors are only available in the Monday through Friday Day Schedule and are not available to students who are registered in degree programs offered through the Adult and Continuing Education Department. An academic minor cannot be earned independently of an undergraduate degree at Neumann University. Each of these program options is described in the sections that follow.
Neumann University provides a Catholic education in the Franciscan tradition, combining the liberal arts with professional preparation. The University’s academic programs are offered with a broad foundation of liberal arts in an environment which promotes the development of students who embody the Franciscan values of Reverence, Integrity, Service, Excellence, and Stewardship. These values are evidenced through relationships that recognize the uniqueness and dignity of others, and through a sense of responsibility and stewardship as a citizen of both the local and global communities.
Neumann University Core Experience
The Neumann University Core Experience flows directly from the University’s Mission as a liberal arts institution in the Catholic, Franciscan tradition and lies at the heart (cor) of the University itself. The campus community unites to impart the knowledge, skills, competencies and values that create opportunities for students to integrate faith and reason, grow in social responsibility, and prepare for personal and professional leadership roles in the local and global community.
Core Learning Outcomes
Active engagement in the Neumann University Core Experience, including credit-bearing courses and co-curricular activities, provides Neumann University graduates the opportunity to achieve the following learning outcomes.
- Comprehension: Think critically, creatively, and analytically
Analyze and solve complex problems; demonstrate quantitative reasoning and scientific literacy; and explore the relationship of contemporary and historical events and issues.
- Contemplation: Engage in meaningful reflection
Apply the principles and values of the Catholic Franciscan tradition to personal, professional, and societal questions and issues; engage in self-reflection; embrace life-long learning; discern career and vocational choices; and recognize and appreciate creative expression.
- Conscience: Act ethically and responsibly
Demonstrate personal, professional, and academic honesty; accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions; engage as responsible members and leaders of diverse groups; and exercise ethical decision-making, informed by the Catholic Franciscan tradition, in a variety of settings.
- Compassion: Respect all of creation
Honor the worth and dignity of each person; interact respectfully in the local and global community; engage in service to promote the common good; and demonstrate environmental awareness and stewardship.
- Communication: Communicate effectively
Express ideas clearly and effectively in spoken and written form; use technology competently; access, evaluate, cite, and credit information using accepted conventions; and demonstrate competency in a language relevant to the major program.